1. Herodotus and his Critics
2. The Scythian Campaign
3. The Strategy of Darius the Great
4. The Battle of Marathon
5. The Size of Persian Army
6. The Size of Persian Fleet
7. The Battle of Salamis
8. The Battle of Plataia
1. Herodotus and His Critics
Today the method which aims at the reconstruction of historical events on
the basis of data that are quantifiable becomes every day more generally
accepted; for this reason it would be proper to ask who is the author of
this historical method. In my opinion the first quantitative historian was
"Father of History" is not considered by the generality of scholars of
ancient history and culture to provide an example of sound historical
method. He is almost universally considered a man of mediocre intellect
who believed all sorts of fairytales, collected spurious anecdotes, and
gullibly accepted partisan versions of events. (1)
Most of the work of Herodotus is a geographical and anthropological
introduction to the last three books of his history, which concern the
campaign initiated in 480 BCE and continued through 479 by the Persians
for the conquest of the Greek mainland; it is thus in relation to this
part that he must be judged as to his competence in the art of
establishing historical truth.
Herodotus was not contemporary with the events he described and, hence,
had to rely on opinions, reactions, and interpretations of witnesses. (2)
In his account of the campaign of the Persians against Greece and of the
Greek efforts to resist it, Herodotus used all the data he could gather
about the numerical composition of the forces engaged, as a testing
principle. Critical historians, beginning with Barthold Georg Niebuhr,
have turned upside down the scientific method of Herodotus by considering
the quantitative data as additional imaginative material that should be
disregarded. When Niebuhr states that the forces of Darius in the campaign
against the Scythians must have numbered 70,000 men rather than 700,000
(3) and that the Greek army at Plataia must have amounted to much less
than 100,000, (4) he does not submit any evidence beyond the subjective
insight. This attitude has been continued up to the present.
The evaluation of Herodotus in the works of critical historians who are
committed to what they think to be a positivistic method, is a long series
of insults. In substance, Herodotus was a gullible simpleton who was
inclined to accept what informants told him and who reported versions of
the events provided by people who believed in ancient religions,
mythology, and oracles. Having gathered these data without eliminating all
that was colorful, dramatic, or unusual, he presented them without any
general principle of historical causation or development. The notion that
a historian must operate on some general principle of historical causation
or development is necessary to historians who fragment historical evidence
into elementary propositions. For them this is a torturing problem, the
object of endless investigations and disputes, because they reject
whatever form of organization exists already in the available data. Yet
the method of Herodotus, so violently scorned, is in keeping with the best
methods of recent science. It is those who belittle him who could be
called pre-scientific. (5)
Quantitative methods, of which today statistics is the most striking
example, do not tell us all about social reality and can concentrate only
on some skeleton points, but they provide us a principle for
discriminating within the welter of intuitive generalizations. In my
opinion this was the spirit of Ionian science and of pre-Greek science.
The simplest example of quantification in the field of historical science
is provided by chronology: to order the accounts and testimonies according
to time, astronomical time, is the most common method of discrimination,
even though it could be observed that it is quite a mechanical one and
little related to the psychic time which is the true tempo of social
events. History in pre-Greek times began by correlating events with
astronomical cycles, and the modern historian who counts by centuries and
years should know that he is following the same procedure.
Although for critical historians the Father of History represents the very
bottom of historical science, the truth is that there never was a
historian who was able to pack into so few pages a greater mass of
information about the history and the culture of such a wide area. In
spite of almost two centuries of efforts directed at collecting new
sources of information employing all sorts of new techniques, Herodotus
remains our most important source of information for Greek history and
culture. He is about equally valuable to the scholars of Persia and Egypt.
The studies concerning Asia Minor and the Near East in ancient times would
be indeed in a poor state if we could not rely on Herodotus. Furthermore,
it can be added that if it were not for the dramatic and emphatic way with
which he presents the information -- the very occasion for the strongest
criticism -- the interest in ancient studies concerning the mentioned
areas would have been born much more slowly, if at all. The rediscovery of
ancient Egypt and ancient Mesopotamia is a direct result of the way in
which Herodotus presented the history and the culture of these areas as
interesting and problematic. (6)
It is because of Herodotus' account of ancient Egypt that there was
organized the Napoleonic expedition to Egypt which initiated the
rediscovery of ancient Egyptian civilization; this expedition aimed at
finding in ancient Egypt the fulfillment of ideals that had been expressed
by the Enlightenment and had exploded in the French Revolution.
The Napoleonic expedition to Egypt had had an antecedent in the Egyptian
voyage of Tito Livio Burattini, the first systematic advocate of a new
decimal metric system; (7) Burattini was in Egypt collecting data for
Father Athanasius Kircher, the author of Oedipus Aegyptiacus, (8)
when he met and cooperated with John Greaves, whose report was commented
upon by Newton. (9)
Those who identified themselves with the new science initiated by Kepler
and Galilei had recognized a kindred spirit in the work of the Ionian
scholar Herodotus and in the pre-Greek civilizations that he described. It
was because Herodotus seemed so akin to the mind of these representatives
of the new science, that Barthold Georg Niebuhr, one of the first
important representatives of romantic reaction, directed his fire against
him. The attack against Herodotus was linked with the attack against the
scientific ideals of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment. As Newton had
recognized that the Pyramids of Gizah expressed a vision of the world
similar to the science of his time, Niebuhr equally perceptibly did
recognize what in Herodotus was akin to the accursed Galilean science.
Critical historians totally neglect that Herodotus wrote Ionian prose, a
literary form of which the most important examples are provided by medical
writings. Quantification is the crucial element that caused Greek medicine
to acquire a scientific form and to become free from magical thinking; as
Hippokrates and others point out, Greek medicine acquired its character
because it started from the study of diets and in relation to athletic
performances, factors that were quantified. The ideal of quantification is
clearly expressed in the treatise On Ancient Medicine (IX):
Therefore the greater complexity of these ills requires an even greater precision. For it is necessary to aim at some sort of measure. But except for bodily sensations no measure can be found either number or weight, whereby precision could be achieved. Therefore it is an arduous task to make knowledge so precise that only small errors would be made here and there.
is clearly implied that even in the study of personal reactions to
experience one must try to introduce quantification wherever possible or
at least strive towards a precision modeled on quantification.
Up to the time of Niebuhr it was agreed that Herodotus wrote in the style
of scientific prose; for this reason Neibuhr accused him of being a
pretender who tried to imitate the outward form of scientific style.
Niebuhr recognized that Herodotus presents scientific data and speaks in
scientific terms, but these would be mere quackery because Herodotus was a
pretender who tried to ape the scientific style that was being born in
Greece at the time. According to Niebuhr "when Herodotus was observing and
writing, there were indeed more than a few Greeks who had more than an
elementary knowledge of mathematics and astronomy". (11)
Herodotus did not even have this knowledge, which really did not amount to
much, since a rather accurate notion of the configuration of the inhabited
earth developed only much later in the Hellenistic age. But later the
basic scientific concern was totally disregarded and attention was paid
only to what is considered the fabulous element. It is true that Herodotus
relates myths, legends, tales, and even gossip, but this is material that
even the most scientific historian would have had to consider, since it
was the type of information that was available; what is material is not
that he reported what people thought and said, but the spirit in which he
reported it. An anthropologist today would quote the same kind of
information without being of necessity unscientific.
The historians of the critical school believe that because Herodotus
quotes mythical stories, versions of the events colored by emotional
reactions, and picturesque anecdotes, he is not a scientific historian.
His material has a poetic tone, and hence is not scientifically true.
Niebuhr starts with the false epistemological assumption that imaginative
constructions are of necessity unscientific. In fact, every step in the
process of scientific generalization is of poetic or imaginative nature;
what makes the generalizations scientific or not is their being verifiable
and verified.
Niebuhr and the historians of the critical school would like to transfer
to historical science the method of induction advocated for the natural
sciences by positivist empiricists. According to these one must start with
simple factual propositions that are accepted as true because they
correspond to immediate sense experience. The elementary sense experiences
should be accepted as being ultimate reality; since these sense
experiences are solid and encompassed, like the atoms of Demokritos, the
task of the scientist would be simply that of collecting them and finding
some principle of organization. This method is valuable in the routine
work of the natural sciences, since this can be reduced to the gathering
of data by established methods of observation. However, positivist
empiricism cannot account for the real important advances in scientific
knowledge which consist in the introduction of new forms of observation
which are results of changes in epistemological assumptions and by which
completely new sets of sense experiences are revealed.
Whatever may be the value of positivist empiricism in the natural
sciences; this method cannot be used in historical research except in
terms of vague analogy. The historian does not deal with elementary sense
experiences (assumed to be independent of mental processes), but with
human opinions that have been extensively elaborated by all kinds of
mental processes. Hence, the positivist historian splits the information
provided by witnesses or documents into elementary propositions which he
considers so simple that they may be considered as self-evident. But
usually even the most reliable witnesses can be accurate in the general
description of the events and quite inaccurate in the reporting of
details. Furthermore the principle of self-evidence applied to historical
data is completely different from that used in the natural sciences; the
critical historian accepts as self-evident those pieces of evidence that
conform to his routine experience or that seem psychologically convincing
because they conform to his own way of acting. As a result, everything
that is unusual is eliminated from the data; but the historical events
with which we are most concerned are the extraordinary ones that had
extraordinary consequences.
According to the assumptions of the critical historians, one should
eliminate from historical sciences the fact that Jesus, who claimed to be
the Son of God, died on the cross or, which is equivalent as far as
historical consequences are concerned, that at a given point of time
people began to believe that this had happened. Critical historians look
with jaundiced eyes at the tradition of the foundation of Rome and prefer
to explain away the origin of Rome in terms of a series of slow accretions
to an originally insignificant village; but it is a fact that at a given
point of history Rome emerges as having an unusual power within her
territory, so that it is quite possible that this city was established
from the very beginning with unusual characteristics. If the story of the
flight of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette which ended at Varennes had been
told by an ancient historian, critical historians would have rejected it
entirely as a tale. The fact that the departure of the coach was delayed
for a long time in order to load a large trunk containing the Queen's
toilet set, would be dismissed as nonsense, whereas it is a significant
piece of information about the mentality of the monarchs and about the
general system of values and practices of the ancient regime.
For those who defend the critical approach, a historian should be
concerned only with facts -- meaning by facts data that exclude all
subjective elements -- even though, when they proceed to interpret and
organize the facts they rely on personal introspective and insight. They
have not understood that Herodotus takes a behavioristic attitude towards
psychic phenomena. History deals with human actions and hence what people
felt or thought, whether right or wrong, is its proper object. Ideas,
beliefs, images, conceptions, and misconceptions are relevant as far as
they determined actions. Eyebrows have been raised because Herodotus
quotes oracles and considers whether they were fulfilled or not; but if he
had omitted them from his narrative, he would certainly have given us a
distorted picture of ancient culture. He has been criticized specifically
for relating the religious ideas and practices of the Egyptians with a
deliberate effort not to express any negative judgment; it would seem
that, if he had evaluated them in terms of an assumed superior religious
persuasion, he would have been a better historian. Herodotus likes to
quote anecdotes and it may well be granted that all anecdotes are likely
to be spurious; but this does not imply that he indulges in mentioning
facts that are recognizably false. An anecdote is a method for conveying a
synthetic interpretation of events; it can be quoted aptly or not, but in
principle it is not more true or false than a sociological explanation.
In the century following Niebuhr scholars have emphasized more and more
the role of imaginative material in Herodotus' narrative. (12)
It has been assumed that the use of such material is per se evidence of
lack of a scientific attitude. But recently a Soviet scholar, Aristid
Ivanovich Dovatur, has better understood the problem by observing that
Herodotus combines the style of Ionian scientific prose with folkloristic
narratives. In Narrative and Scientific Style of Herodotus, Dovatur
concludes that what is original in this historian is that he tries to
preserve the original tone of the popular narrative material while
inserting it into a frame written in a scientific style. (13)
Dovatur has handled an epistemological problem in terms of literary form.
Since Niebuhr is the founder of the critical school of ancient history, it
is important to define exactly the method followed by him in destroying
the authority of Herodotus.
In his Bonn lectures of 1829-1830 Niebuhr launched a sweeping attack
against the credibility of Herodotus' account of the Persian campaign for
the conquest of Greece in 480 and 479 BCE From the fact that in Herodotus'
narrative there are elements that are of anecdotal nature and some details
that could be called mythical, Niebuhr concludes that the entire account
is of poetic nature, and totally "untenable." It is assumed by Niebuhr
that poetic accounts have very little connection with reality. "No
reliance, therefore, can be placed upon this whole portion of the
narrative of Herodotus." (14)
Much of it is nothing but poetic imagination and of most doubtful nature.
The proof of the poetic nature of the account is the very importance and
magnitude of the events narrated: according to Herodotus and other Greek
authors, this campaign was one of the turning points in the history of
humanity: The Greek mainland was invaded by all the forces that the
Persian Empire could muster, but the Athenians, the Spartans, and other
Greeks were able to resist with such success that the Persians had to
withdraw in disaster.
Since the events were marvellous and extraordinary, if one begins with the
assumption that the ancients could not achieve any great deed except in
their imagination, the events become of necessity incredible. For this
reason Niebuhr in his Bonn lectures of 1829-1830 described them as the
product of poetic imagination. Niebuhr asserted that Herodotus' account of
the Persian campaign is based upon an epic poem of Choirilos of Samos
which built a grandiose and picturesque legend around rather modest
events. The other Greek sources are equally unreliable. All that can be
accepted as certain is that there took place a naval battle at Salamis and
a land battle at Plataia, and that the Persians finally had to withdraw
from Greece; the sequence of the events, including the dates of these
battles, and all the details, cannot be established with any certainty. We
should rest assured, however, that rather modest events were magnified
beyond all proportion by the mythical imagination of the Greeks.
When this sweeping criticism of Herodotus was first presented by Niebuhr,
it was considered extreme, and was not accepted in his time; but it set a
sort of an ideal for following historians, so that by a process of gradual
erosion of Herodotus' authority, by the end of the last century and the
beginning of this century it became almost completely accepted. By
clipping a piece here and a piece there in Herodotus' account, in about a
century there was attained the result that some major historians could
find wide approval when they repeated Niebuhr's conclusion.
When Niebuhr was writing, a most dissonant voice was expressed by August
Boeckh who was a Kantian rationalist and interpreted ancient civilizations
as the forerunners of quantitative science. Boeckh's conceptions remained
most influential up to the death of Theodor Mommsen and Julius Oppert in
the first years of this century. The theory of Niebuhr began to produce
more generous fruits in the field of ancient studies when Arthur de
Gobineau set it within an expressedly formulated frame that rejected above
the rationalistic, humanitarian, and egalitarian views of the
Enlightenment. In this way he made possible the triumph of the romantic
reactionary views within ancient studies in the last years of the
nineteenth century. Scholars of the Enlightenment, following in the steps
of the Renaissance, had presented the Greeks as trying to take over and
advance the scientific culture developed in the great empires of Egypt and
the Near East and, as a result, had conceived of rational and scientific
thought as being an attribute of man from the earliest known beginnings of
history. In order to attack the rationalistic, humanitarian, and
egalitarian ideals of the Enlightenment, Gobineau built a complete theory
according to which pre-Greek civilizations and early Greek civilization,
Herodotus included, would be the expression of a praeter-rational mystical
insight, clearly opposed to quantitative science. (15)
In his history of Persia, Gobineau uses the Scythian campaign to justify
this general proposition:
Nothing is less consonant to the Asiatic spirit, including in it specifically the Greek spirit, than to pursue reasonable calculations. In this respect Herodotus is at fault just as much, not more and not less, than is the general of those who today inhabit the area where he lived. A long experience has taught me to remain totally indifferent to any numerical statement the author of which is a Persian, an Arab, a Turk, or an Hellene. I am often willing to believe in their good faith, but never in their exactness, because nature has refused them any instinct for truth in matters of this sort. (16)
book of Gobineau opened the floodgates for massive attacks on Herodotus.
Within a brief period there appeared the critical edition of Herodotus'
text by Heinrich Stein, (17) the analysis of the internal structure of the
entire work by Alfred von Gutschmid, and the history of the Persian wars
by Amedee Hauvette, (18) all equally destructive. The last mentioned work
was a pedestrian enlargement of the ideas of Gobineau, but it had the
advantage of having a form more acceptable to the academe, because it
lacks the wit and clear elegance of Gobineau and because it flattens his
insights which, although all based on a distorted angle of vision, have
the merit of bringing into focus vital questions. The opus of Hauvette was
laureated with an important academic prize, and has been extensively
quoted, since it was not proper to refer to Gobineau.
Hauvette's accomplishment was in giving to Gobineau's attacks a form more
conventionally academic. Concerning the Scythian part of Herodotus,
Hauvette introduced a method of interpretation that is now generally
accepted: the human geography must be separated from the mathematical
geography; whereas the former is acceptable, the latter is unacceptable
because it is based on numerical data that are precise and hence must be
impossible. The military operations consisting of marches and counter
marches are absurd because they are related to the numerical form. Today
it is widely agreed that every progress in the archaeological and
anthropological study of the area described by Herodotus has provided
startling confirmations of his account up to details that used to be
dismissed outright as being too odd or picturesque. But one is left
wondering how Herodotus could have accurate information about the physical
and social anthropology not only of European Russia, but also of parts of
Siberia, and in the same breath have presented a picture of the physical
appearance of the area immediately north of the Black Sea that is not only
erroneous, but such that it should have been rejected by any person of
common sense.
The death blow to the reputation of Herodotus as a historian was not given
by Gobineau, who proved moderate in relation to his epigones, and not by
Hauvette, whose work was popular yet shallow, but by the Oxford scholar
Reginald Walter Macan who proceeded to expose the faults of Herodotus
point by point in five thick volumes, (the first of which appeared in the
year following Hauvette's publication) (19) with the stubborn persistence
and diligence of an inquisitor bent on forcing his innocent victim to
confess. Every sentence is taken apart and used as evidence against its
author. The treatise begins with a long analysis of the Scythian campaign,
because in dealing with it Herodotus would have openly revealed his true
colors. The analysis is summed up in these words:
Briefly stated the critique of the Herodotean story goes to show that the account of the Scythian campaign consists of a mixture of physical impossibilities, inconsistencies or inconsequences and of absurdities attributed to Darius and to the Scythians, which render the whole affair doubtful to the highest degree . . . What standard of historic probability is exhibited by an author who commits himself to such a performance, in which satire and fun seem to run riot? (20)
Macan takes to task even scholars like Grote who had followed the
interpretation of Gobineau and had accepted as credible the events that
took place on this side of the Danube. (21)
In the Preface to his volumes, after announcing that "no previous
commentary has applied so completely the methods of analytic and
descriptive criticism to the work of Herodotus," Macan specifies that one
great contribution of his is to have traced the sources of Herodotus'
shortcomings, among which his ignorance of geography is paramount: "the
composite and unsystematic quality of the Herodotean world has not been so
distinctly presented as it is in this work."
There is one point on which I agree with Macan: if not only Herodotus, but
all ancient writers in general, had the view of the physical world
ascribed to them by our contemporary scholarship, it can be presumed that
they were totally incapable of any objective judgment not only in science,
but in any form of intellectual endeavor. If it is true that only in the
age of Aristotle some Greek scholars conceived as a novel idea that the
earth was a sphere and that the miserable computation of Eratosthenes was
the highest peak of ancient mathematical geography, I am willing to
believe not only that Herodotus did not belong to the species homo
sapiens, but also that this kind of being had not yet been developed in
his time.
Since contemporary scholars are bound to assume that Hellenistic science
was technically superior to that of the preceding period, they arrive at
the conclusion that Eratosthenes was the first to measure the
circumference of the earth. In reality, all that Eratosthenes did was to
make the ancient datum acceptable in terms of the scientific style by
showing that it could be justified in the light of common sense
Scholars have used the assumed naive view of the physical world in
Herodotus to prove the extreme low state of Greek cosmology at the time.
But they argue also that his conceptions were so preposterous that he
would have modified them if he had just used his eyes in traveling. Hence
there has been derived the further deduction that he was an unmitigated
liar who never saw the great foreign cities he claims to have visited.
Scholars who do not dare to call him an outright impostor have tried to
prove, by interpreting the data about his biography, that "his travels
occupied only a very short period of his life." The assumption is that if
Herodotus had travelled more extensively, he could not have been, despite
his lack of judgment, as grossly misinformed as he is supposed to be.
Robert Cohen, in summing up the opinions about Herodotus' skill as an
historian current in his time, believed to be giving a generous and
benevolent interpretation when he stated that he was
also an enemy of great efforts of thought, but with some insight into everything. In conclusion he did all that was within his capacity in order to gain the favor of his contemporaries and of posterity. He was rather a facile writer than a learned one, more naturally gifted than willing to work. He did not prove to be a personality of the first order, he was not a great man. (22)
words that I have underscored are culled by Cohen from the volume of
evaluations written by Philippe-Ernest Legrand, (23) who concludes that
Herodotus had some ability in gathering facts and evaluating evidence but
could not construe any considerate explanation for historical
developments. In the introductory volume to Les Belles Lettres
edition of Herodotus' text Legrand believes to be breaking a spear in
behalf of the historian by arguing that when he claims to have visited a
specific location he must be granted credence, although his visits may
have been quick and superficial.
There is poor logic in this castle of deductions built on a flimsy
starting point: Herodotus shared the naive cosmology of his age, but he
would have modified it if he had used his eyes in travelling as far as
Thebes and Babylon. The construction presumes that all the other
inhabitants of the ancient world were in a mental state even more schizoid
than that of Herodotus.
The gist of the trend of thought initiated in 1811 by Niebuhr was well
enucleated in 1921 by Godley in his introduction to the Loeb edition of
Herodotus' text. Herodotus' geography represents "a stage of thought" and
was "consistent with a current opinion which is nearer to truth than
earlier conceptions of the world." (24)
This reveals the basic assumption that the mental capacity of man has
undergone a uniform process of growth, so that, although Herodotus' was
low, his predecessors were one step closer to the primates. In documenting
by an example Herodotus' low mental level Godley asserts: "It is also true
that the Danube does not rise in the Pyrenees, and that the course of the
Upper Nile is not from west to east." (25)
These are pieces of evidence that beg the question, because they are based
on forced interpretations of the texts justified by the assumed mental
primitiveness of their author.
A notable exception is Arnaldo Momigliano, whose perceptive study of Herodotus' reputation from antiquity to the seventeenth century, "The Place of Herodotus in the History of Historiography," History 43 (1958), pp. 1-13. could be read as a preamble to the present study.
According to historians of the critical school, one should limit oneself to the bare facts that could not have been the object of personal interpretation by the contemporaries; the interpretation should be provided by the historian. Herodotus, on the contrary, operated on the principle of Ionian historia, of a naturalistic attitude. The opinions of those who lived the events are data that are accepted as such; but there must be found a method to discriminate in an objective way among the several opinions. Since Herodotus developed the art of historical research from geography, he followed quantitative analysis as a principle of discrimination. In geography one is bound to rely on the impressions of travelers or on one's travel experiences, but a net of discriminating principles is provided by mathematical geography.
Vortraege ueber alte Geschichte, Vol. I (Berlin, 1847), p. 190.
Ibid., p. 414.
Today we know that social reality is so complex and varied that it cannot be explained in terms of simple schemes or even less in terms of simple theories of causation, particularly of a mechanistic type. Our awareness of the complexity of social life is such that today there are some political conservatives who take the agnostic position that a scientific study of social life is totally impossible. This is absurd because if we could not make generalizations about social life, our daily existence would not be possible. The truth is that the complexity of social life can be grasped by broad intuitive generalizations, something similar to what the ancients called mythos but we have found a method to control the validity of intuitive generalizations through the use of quantitative techniques, what pre-Aristotelian thinkers called logos.
Cf. Momigliano, op. cit., p. 13.
Misura Universale (Krakow, 1697).
Rome, 1652-54.
Isaac Newton, A Dissertation upon the Sacred Cubit of the Jews and the Cubits of several Nations: in which from the Dimensions of the Greatest Pyramid as taken by Mr. John Greaves, the ancient Cubit of Memphis is Determined.
It must be kept in mind that in the age of Herodotus writing in prose was a novelty in Greece and that the first examples of prose were those of Ionian scientific writings, particularly medical texts.
"Ueber die Geographie Herodots," lecture presented in 1812, published in Kleine historische und philologische Schriften (Bonn, 1828), p. 134.
Typical is the book of Wolf Aly, Volksmaerchen, Sage, und Novelle bei Herodot (Goettingen, 1929).
Povestvovatelnyj i nauchnyj stil Gerodota (Leningrad, 1957), p. 165.
B. G. Niebuhr, "Die Perserkriege. Griechenland bis auf die Zeit des Perikles," Vortraege ueber alte Geschichte (Berlin, 1847), p. 388.
Essai sur l'inegalite des races humaines, 4 vols. (Paris, 1853-55).
Histoire des Perses, (Paris, 1866), vol. II, p. 111. Gobineau's interpretation, except for the detail that the King himself was not in command, (ibid., p. 107), is accepted by several major figures of scholarship, among which are Gaetano de Sanctis, Julius Beloch, and G. B. Grundy.
Herodotus erklaert (1893-1908).
A. Hauvette, Herodote, Historien des guerres mediques, (Paris, 1894).
Herodotus, The Fourth, Fifth, & Sixth Books 2 vols (London, 1895); Herodotus, The Seventh, Eighth, & Ninth Books 2 vols. (London, 1908).
Macan (1895), Vol. II, p. 43.
Macan (1895), Vol. II, p. 44.
R. Cohen, La Grece et l'hellenization du monde antique (Paris, 1934), p. 158.
Herodote (Paris, 1932).
A. D. Godley, General Introduction to Herodotus, Vol. I (London, 1921), pp. xi, xii.
Ibid., p. xii.
2. The Scythian Campaign
Those who wanted to discredit Herodotus as a responsible historian found
that the best way was to concentrate their criticism on his report of the
campaign conducted against the Scythians by King Darius of Persia around
513 BCE This report occupies most of the Fourth Book (Melpomene) of
Herodotus' Histories (1-144); the balance of this book (145-205) consists
of a survey of Africa west of Egypt and, hence, can be presumed to be
infantile like all things that concern Africa.(26)
If this entire book contains preposterous data, it will be proved that an
entire ninth of Herodotus' work is the product of an irresponsible and
confused mind, with the result that the rest of his work must be presumed
to be unreliable, unless the contrary is specifically proved. (27)
The account of the Scythian campaign is an essential transition in the
scheme of Herodotus' narrative: Whereas the first three books present the
Persian Empire as a great rational construction based on the scientific
and cultural achievements of the preceding monarchies, the Fourth Book
describes how the Persian Empire used the military strength inherent to
its structure in relation to foreign territories, so that this book sets
the technical frame of reference for the presentation of the military
campaigns of King Darius and King Xerxes against Greece, the main concern
of the last five books. Herodotus intends to explain the historical
phenomenon that the Greek city states were able to challenge a state
organization based on the rational exploitation of the physical and
intellectual resources of a territory embracing a great part of the
inhabited earth. The narrative of the Scythian campaign reveals how people
willing to make extreme sacrifices for the defense of their liberty could
take advantage of favorable geographical factors to frustrate even the
boldest and most imaginative plan to make them crumble under the weight of
Persian power. Thereby it prepares the reader to understand why Darius'
successor, Xerxes, did fail in his attempt to crush the Greeks. This,
however, is an historical problem that does not exist for many modern
historians because they reduce the proportions of the Persian campaign
against Greece to about those of the campaign of Lord Kitchener against
the Sudan.
The proper understanding of the nature and development of the Persian
campaign against Scythia permits to understand the causes of what we know
as the Persian Wars. The scorned Book Four of Herodotus is essential in
the general structure of his historical work. But even without considering
the later historical consequences, the campaign of King Darius proves to
be one of the greatest military enterprises of all times. It was more
dramatic and more grandiose in its development and scope than the campaign
of Napoleon and the campaign of Hitler. It was not a whimsical sortie
conceived by a monarch who could act irresponsibly because of his absolute
power; its account is not provided by a storyteller who in his childish
imagination pursued details that are both fictitious and inconsequential.
In political and military matters King Darius was one of the most powerful
organizing minds of all times, certainly not inferior to Alexander the
Great or to Caesar, and his greatness found a worthy interpreter in an
historian who, although the first to write universal history, well
understood the dynamics of the great historical developments. It was the
main purpose of Herodotus to explain what were the might and weakness of
the great imperial states of the Orient, in contrast with the nature of
the Greek city states, and he certainly succeeded. He also tried to
explain how ancient imperial states were compelled by their own structure
and purpose to follow a given course of action; it is this inner
compulsion that caused the Persians to engage first in the unsuccessful
war against the Scythians and as a sequel in the equally unsuccessful wars
against the Greeks.
The criticism of the narrative of the Scythian campaign is of central
significance for those who intend to belittle the achievements of ancient
science and try to prove that the predecessors of the Greeks were
prelogical and that the Greeks themselves did not emerge from the
prelogical mentality, except for the individual contributions of some
specific thinkers, most of whom belong to the Hellenistic age.
In two essays, the first of which was presented in 1811, (28)
Niebuhr stated that Herodotus was so "uneducated and simple-minded" as to
believe that Scythia had the shape of a square bounded by the sea to the
south and to the east. (29)
The west side of the square would be formed by the Danube, believed to be
running north-south, from about the latitude of Kiev to the Black Sea.
Niebuhr relates that this last point was suggested to him by Ideler, who
was the first scholar to claim that the length of the circumference of the
Earth was not known in pre-Greek times. (30)
According to Niebuhr, Herodotus would have placed the mouth of the Don at
the north-eastern corner of the square at the same latitude as the source
of the Danube which, as I have said, he claimed had been placed in the
area of Kiev. Niebuhr does not submit a single example of textual analysis
in order to prove that Herodotus had concocted this geographical
monstrosity, but declared that the work of Herodotus is full of data about
measures and distances that do not fit reality. He asserted that Herodotus
is wanton when he uses figures, but did not submit these figures to a
single test. To discredit the geography of Herodotus means to discredit
the scientific value of his entire work, because geography provides the
structural framework of the presentation. Herodotus created the science of
history by writing a universal history which took as starting model works
of universal geography, such as that of his fellow Ionian, Hekataios of
Miletos. Hekataios had written a Periegesis, "journey around the
world," in which in the form of what we would call social geography, he
included a good deal of historical information.
Since Herodotus' account of Scythia was used to justify a revolution in
the interpretation of ancient thought, it is worth observing that the
interpretation of his words was a distorted one, since not many years
after Niebuhr's first writing Arnold Hermann Heeren provided a sensible
interpretation of the geography of Scythia according to Herodotus. It is
expressed in these words:
The boundaries which Herodotus assigns to Scythia are as follows: on the south, the coast of the Black Sea, from the mouth of the Danube to the Palus Maeotis [Sea of Azov]; on the east, the Persian gulf and the Don, or Tanais, to its rise out of the lake Ivan, which Herodotus was acquainted with; on the north, a line drawn from this lake to that out of which the Tyras, (or Dniester) flows. . . the western boundary was a line from thence to the Danube. (31)
Heeren had proved that Herodotus' text could be taken as having a
reasonable meaning if one wanted to; but Niebuhr was speaking in the terms
of the spirit of the age and his opinion carried an immense prestige, even
though the perusal of his writings does not provide anything but
gratuitous assertions.
Among the commentators of Herodotus, only George Rawlinson dared to
question outright the interpretation of Niebuhr and to uphold that of
Heeren. Rawlinson expressed this opinion: "We seem to see in Herodotus a
remarkable knowledge of leading geographical facts, combined, either
really or apparently, with mistakes as to minutiae." (32)
But Rawlinson wrote before 1880, before the great turning of the tide in
ancient studies. Specialists of ancient geography have on the main
accepted Niebuhr's view, except for some minor modifications that are more
charitable to Herodotus.
It is regrettable that specialists of ancient geography have accepted the
statement of historians of science about the low level of ancient
geographical science, so that they have never tried to ascertain why
Herodotus based his calculations on a square. Greek geographers repeatedly
mention an entity called sfragis, but this term is not explained
except by saying superficially that it means "seal," although Greek papyri
indicate that sfragis is an entity to which plots of land are
related in cadastral surveys. However, it can be gathered from the
contexts that when geographers speak of sfragis they mean a geodetic
square. All that specialists of ancient geography have achieved is to try
to give interpretations of Herodotus' geography of Scythia that are
somewhat more charitable than that proposed by Niebuhr.
As a result John L. Myres tries to propound that, in spite of all the
criticism, Herodotus still has some virtues as an historian, when it comes
to the question of Scythia, argues again, after evaluating the several
interpretations, that Herodotus saw this land as being a square surrounded
by the sea on two sides. (33)
According to Myres, Herodotus' geographical conceptions were all
extraordinarily infantile. The method used by Myres to prove his
contention is essentially that followed by Niebuhr, namely, to give a
concrete material meaning to mathematical concepts. By this method it
could be argued that geographers of our age are so primitive and
superstitious as to believe that the world begins at Greenwich and that
across the Pacific there runs a line such that by crossing it one can move
backwards in time.
A facile writer of history, Bishop Connop Thirlwall, who now is entirely
forgotten but in his time was most influential because he was a
popularizer of Niebuhr's ideas and wrote in consultation with him,
declared that Darius' "adventures in Scythia elude every attempt to
conceive their real nature and connection." (34)
But no sample of a possible attempt was submitted. Bishop Thirlwall
asserted that all that the Persians did was to engage in a campaign for
the conquest of Thrakia in the course of which they conducted a foray
across the Danube in order to intimidate the Scythians from molesting the
newly acquired territories. Thirlwall's theory has been accepted by the
majority of historians among which I may quote Beloch, De Sanctis, and G.
Grundy in his book on the Persian Wars, and their preliminaries.
Others, while willing to believe that there actually took place a campaign
against the Scythians, treat the matter as not serious, dividing the blame
between Herodotus and King Darius: the campaign was an occasional
adventure expressing the whim of an Oriental potentate about which
Herodotus reported a tale spun with Oriental fantasy. Interpreters have
read Book Four so as to make both Darius and Herodotus appear as
irresponsible children, one for thinking of the enterprise and the other
for weaving such lengthy and pointless tales about it; but they emerge as
two giants of the human spirit, one as a statesman and a warleader and the
other as the worthy historical interpreter.
Most historians of Greece and of Persia dispose of the Scythian campaign
in a passing page. It has become traditional to be flighty about this
campaign: Gustave Glotz in his authoritative great treatise of ancient
history sums up the events after the crossing of the Danube in these
words: "Then, says Herodotus, the army trundled towards the interior,
without provisions, without preparation." (35)
Of course, Herodotus does not say anything of the sort.
It is assumed that the marches and countermarches of the Persian army do
not need to be considered, since it was Herodotus who pushed this army
back and forth across the vastness of Russia, in order to fit the military
operations to his insane geography. Rawlinson, since he found the
geographical description of Scythia to be comprehensible, protested
against the view of those who qualified Herodotus' narrative as
"illustrative fiction"; but Rawlinson was speaking to the desert.
By the middle of the last century George Grote could write without
bothering to document his extreme contention that what happened after
Darius' crossing of the Danube "if tried by the tests of historical matter
of fact, can be received as nothing better than a perplexing dream" (36);
in Herodotus' account "we find nothing approaching to authentic statement,
nor even what we can set forth as the probable basis of truth on which
exaggerating fancy has been at work -- all is inexplicable mystery." (37)
Philippe-Ernest Legrand, the author of a comprehensive commentary to the
writings of Herodotus, has followed the line of attack indicated by
Niebuhr: as a first step he published an essay on Herodotus' account of
the Scythian campaign. Herodotus would have invented the Scythian campaign
of King Darius in order to have a device to string together the pieces of
information that he had collected on the customs and practices of several
nations. Geographical lines and the Persian army would have been made to
follow the needs of a colorful presentation of ethnological data. Legrand
sums up his thought with this exclamation: "I do not believe that in other
parts of Herodotus' work there could be found another example that reveals
his flippancy (desinvolture) in so striking a manner." He concludes his
essay by the qualification that the Scythian campaign is an exception and
that usually la fantaisie d'Herodote is kept within narrower
Legrand accepts the view held by the majority of scholars that all that
King Darius did was to lead an incursion against some Scythian tribes who
lived just north of the Danube. Although "the long tours that Herodotus
ascribes to Darius do not have an historical character," Legrand hesitates
in calling Herodotus an outright prevaricator. The Greek historian would
not have been in bad faith when he related that the Persians advanced to
the Volga: some travelers would have seen Scythian tombs in the form of
kurgans in the area of the Volga and, knowing that the king had been in
Scythia, would have called them "castles of Darius"; on the basis of this
Herodotus would have built the story of a Persian advance to the Volga and
the construction of a fortified line. Concerning the geography of Scythia,
Legrand, although granting that Herodotus' words indicate that he had a
map before his eyes, repeats Niebuhr's assertions beginning with the one
that Herodotus believed that the Danube flows in a north-south direction.
Herodotus had some correct information about the coastal areas of the
Black Sea, and for the rest he "embroidered"; names of tribes like the
Androphagoi and the Melanchlainoi would have been invented in order to
populate a terra incognita. Such is the opinion of a scholar who
considers himself a defender of Herodotus' sincerity against more radical
The alleged geographical absurdity of Herodotus' description of Scythia is
used as evidence not only against Herodotus, but also against the
Persians. In summing up the accepted views, Robert Cohen declares that one
of the main causes for King Darius' failure in his campaign was "his
ignorance of geography." (38)
The truth could not be more in flagrant opposition to these beliefs of the
academic world. An ignorance of geography would have been impossible
according to the Persian conception of the cosmological function of their
world empire. The Persians were neither ignorant of scientific geography
nor indifferent to it. When King Darius, in order to sanction the
establishment of his Empire, founded a new capital, Persepolis, he placed
its sacred area exactly at latitude 30 degrees 00 minutes North and at a
longitude calculated exactly to the minute in relation to Egypt (3 units
of 7 degrees 12 minutes east of the Main Axis of Egypt) so as to be at the
point considered the middle of the Oikoumene, the inhabited earth.
But, leaving out of consideration general issues, there is specific
textual evidence about the method by which the Persians proceeded to
gather information about Scythia. Ktesias (fr. 13, Jacoby) relates that,
in preparation for the Scythian expedition, Ariamnes, satrap of Kappadokia,
was instructed to cross the Black Sea with a small fleet and to conduct
raids on Scythia in order to carry off as prisoners possible informants.
One of these, the brother of a Scythian king, proved a valuable source of
intelligence. The fleet did not consist of triremes, as might be expected,
but of 50 penteconters, which may have been chosen in order to ascend the
Russian rivers.
King Darius did not start his Scythian campaign before having gathered a
mass of exact and systematic geographical information that would have been
a feat of scientific achievement even a couple of centuries ago. In the
first half of the last century Europeans were not as precisely informed
about the geography of Central Africa, as King Darius was informed about
the geography of Central Russia. It is true that Herodotus had some
difficulty in reporting exactly the mathematical elements of the Persian
geographic survey, but the very fact that he tried to cope even with the
aspects of ancient geography that were taxing him because of their
technicality, prove how well he grasped the importance of geographical
In order to plan their campaign, the Persians proceeded to a geographical
survey of the Scythian territory. Following what was ancient practice, the
survey started by establishing a geodetic square. This geodetic square had
an extension of 10 degrees by 10 degrees and included the area from the
mouth of the Danube to the mouth of the Don and extended in latitude from
the northern coast of the Black Sea to almost the latitude of Moscow.
Since Herodotus considered that geography and distances were the main
factor in the Scythian campaign, he built his narrative around the data
obtained by the construction of this geodetic square. Since he provides
exact information about the geography and the distances of the Scythian
area in terms of the geodetic square, the first step in understanding the
military operations of King Darius and the presentation by Herodotus, is
to locate this square on the map. (39)
If this is not done the account by Herodotus becomes incomprehensible and
so do the actions of the King. When interpreters throw overboard the data
of mathematical geography, they are left with a tale told by an idiot,
full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
Herodotus, who is considered to unfold his narrative without a
forethought, dedicates several chapters in the part that immediately
precedes the account of the Scythian campaign (III 134-138) to explain by
a concrete example, as is his style, how the Persians proceeded to gather
geographical information. While the Persian leaders were planning their
Scythian campaign, the question was raised by some of them whether action
should be taken against the Greek mainland before attacking Scythia. King
Darius, leaving the main issue open, immediately ordered that as a
preparatory step fifteen prominent Persians should conduct a survey of the
coasts not only of Greece proper, but also of that part of Italy where
there were Greek colonies.
What were the Persian ambitions is indicated by the circumstance that more
than twenty years later the Greek Histiaios, the tyrant of Miletos, who
was kept prisoner at Susa, promised King Darius, in order to deceive him
into letting him return to his homeland, that he would make him master not
only of all the Greeks, but also of the island of Sardinia, which
Histiaios described as the largest island of the Mediterranean Sea (V
106). The Persian reconnaissance mission left Phoenicia on two triremes
and a large merchant ship loaded with material for gifts and, proceeding
along the Greek coast "made a written record of the results of a careful
survey of most and best known features of the coastal areas" (III 136).
The mission continued beyond Greece to Italy where in Tarentum its members
were arrested as spies. Herodotus does not explain who were the fifteen
prominent Persians, but possibly they were magi, experts in astronomy who
could calculate latitudes and longitudes.
In order to explain how the Persians tried to pool together all the
intellectual resources of the Empire, Herodotus gives the example of a
certain Demokedes, a Greek from Kroton in Italy, who was brought along in
this mission under strict guard. On one occasion in which King Darius,
while at the capital of Susa, had dislocated his foot, he turned to
Egyptian physicians who were part of his retinue, since Egyptians were
reputed to have the greatest skill in the medical art; but when after
seven days these Egyptians could not stop the pain in the ankle of the
King, he caused Demokedes, who was considered the best physician of
Greece, and who was then at Sardis where he had been in the retinue of the
local satrap, to be brought to Susa. Demokedes, by following the principle
primum non nocere of Hippokratic medicine, instead of the drastic methods
of Egyptian medicine, was able to stop the pain and to cause the King to
acquire again the normal use of his foot. Demokedes succeeded also in
curing Queen Atossa of a cancer of the breast. As a result Demokedes was
treated with the highest honor, but was not allowed to leave the King's
court, until the Queen who was in favor of a campaign for the conquest of
the Greek mainland in preference to the Scythian campaign, persuaded the
King to send the exploratory mission to Greece and Italy, taking along
Demokedes "as the best man to provide guidance and information in all that
concerns Greece" (III 134).
The story of Demokedes is used by Herodotus also to convey the opinion
that King Darius would have been better advised if he had attacked Greece
instead of Scythia. Queen Atossa was the daughter of King Cyrus, the
founder of the Persian Empire, whom the Greeks considered superior in
wisdom to his successor. In the tragedy Persians Aischylos presents
Queen Atossa as pointing out to Darius' successor, Xerxes, the strategic
and political errors that caused the Persian disaster in the campaign
against Greece in 480 BCE
All this indicates that the Greeks considered that the Persian rulers in
their planning made some erroneous decisions, but not because of lack of
rational thinking, nor because of lack of accurate geographical
information. Once the geographical data are properly reconstructed, the
Persian strategy in the Scythian campaign becomes perfectly clear and
Herodotus' account of the events become simple and unequivocal. (40)
See below, Part II: "Herodotus on the Sahara."
This proposition was advanced explicitely by Macan.
"Untersuchungen ueber die Geschichte der Skythen, Geten, und Sarmaten," lecture of 1811, and "Ueber die Geographie Herodots," lecture of 1812, in Kleine historische und philologische Schriften (Bonn, 1828).
Ibid., p. 355.
Ibid., p. 356. Cf. J. Ludwig Ideler, Historische Untersuchungen ueber die astronomische Beobachtungen der Alten (Berlin, 1806).
A. H. Heeren, Historical Researches into the Politics, Intercourse, and Trade of the Principal Nations of Antiquity (Oxford, 1833) vol. II, p. 257, note 4. Heeren conceived of the square as extending as far north as to include the Czarist administrative districts of Riazan and Mogilev.
History of Herodotus, fourth edition, (New York, 1880), p. 206.
Herodotus, The Father of History (Oxford, 1953), pp. 171-172.
The History of Greece, (London, 1855), Vol. II, p. 223.
Histoire Grecque Vol. II (Paris, 1931), p. 17.
George Grote, History of Greece, (London, 1862), Vol. III, p. 229.
Ibid., p. 226.
R. Cohen, La Grece et l'hellenization du monde antique, p. 162.
See below, Part II: "The Geodetic Square of Scythia."
See Part II: Geography.
The Strategy of Darius the Great
strategy of Darius becomes clear once the geographical data have been
defined. The King of Persia was confronted with the problem that has
always beset the great Empires of Eurasia, how to cope with the threat of
the nomadic people of the steppes. This is a problem that beset the
Chinese for millennia and with which they tried to cope by means of the
most gigantic measures. This is a problem that the Roman Empire was not
able to solve.
The Arabs were conquered by the Turks and the Turks put an end to the
Byzantine Empire. It was not too long ago that the Turks were at the gates
of Vienna and all Europe was trembling. Even today the word Hun creates a
feeling of fear in our minds. The Tatar invasions were the most important
turning point in Russian history. One could continue the list of the
examples by roaming widely through the centuries and through all districts
of Eurasia.
The threat of the nomadic people of central Eurasia was particularly
important for the rulers of the Persian Empire. This is made clear by the
very fact that the nations that ruled Iran in succession, the Medes, the
Persians, and the Parthians, had come originally from the same group.
Those who were called Scythians in the age of King Darius spoke an
Indo-European language closely related to Persian. At that time the people
called Scythians by the Greeks and Saka by the Persians dominated an area
that started from the Danube and extended east far beyond the Caspian Sea;
Herodotus, however, uses the term Scythians to refer specifically to those
members of this group that lived between the Danube and the Don. He calls
Scythia the territory between those two rivers, which for him is the
European part of central Eurasia. This area was of particular interest to
the Greeks because earlier it had been occupied by the Cimmerians who were
expelled from it by the Scythians coming from the east.
Herodotus asserts that King Darius attacked the Scythians in order to take
vengeance for the period of 28 years of Scythian domination in the Near
East; in these terms he expressed the idea that the Persian Empire could
not ever feel secure as long as it had not reduced the Scythians to
submission. Scythians appeared in Assyria at the time of King Sargon II
(722 - 705 BCE); King Esarhaddon used them as his allies in his struggle
for supremacy against the Medes, who were supported by the Cimmerians. In
626 BCE the Scythians helped the Assyrians to break the siege of Nineveh
by the Medes. In 611 BCE Scythians entered Egypt and it took a vigorous
campaign by the Egyptian King Psammetichos to contain them. The Scythian
expansion into the Middle East came to an end only when the Medes allied
themselves with the Babylonians and broke forever the power of the
Assyrian Empire. Therefore to assume that King Darius engaged on the
Scythian expedition out of a capricious whim indicates a lack of
historical sense. The problem of the Scythians was one of the great
problems of the Persian Empire, and in trying to cope with it Darius
employed measures that were proportional to its importance. Herodotus
spends almost a ninth of his work in order to deal with it.
The Persian strategy was so conceived as to require the use of an almost
unlimited number of men and resources. Herodotus begins the narrative with
the words "Darius, having an immense reserve in money and an unlimited
number of men to draw upon . . . ," because it is a matter of one of the
most grandiose military operations of all history.
Herodotus built his narrative against the background of a map of Russia,
describing even its technical details, because the most important actor in
this drama is the immensity of the Russian space and the nature of the
Russian land. The Scythians and their allies could count on the advantage
of mobility; even though some of them had become tillers of the soil and
had established permanent settlements of some sort, they were all willing
and able to revert to their nomadic ways. Furthermore, they proved willing
to resort to an extreme policy of scorched earth whose thoroughness is
described in full detail by Herodotus. King Darius tried to cope with them
by mobilizing an army large enough to make a clean sweep of the entire
Scythian land. His purpose was to dispose forever of the Scythians by
smoking them out with a battle all across their territory, which roughly
corresponds to the modern Ukraine. The great Russian rivers, which
Herodotus carefully locates, were a help to the Persians since they made
it possible to supply a large army deep in enemy territory. The scorched
earth policy of the Scythians could be frustrated by a power that had the
resources of Persia, if transportation was adequate.
King Darius did not advance directly from the heart of the Persian Empire
across the Caucasus, going beyond the river Phasis that was the official
borderline; rather, he decided on a plan of attacking the Scythians from
the rear. Accordingly, he moved his troops all around the Black Sea in
order to attack first of all that part of Scythia that was more prosperous
economically and was settled in a more permanent way. In order to invest
directly the area around the mouth of the Dnieper, he had to move his
troops into Asia Minor and from there, crossing the Bosphoros, into
Europe. Continuing thence he had to lead them all across Thrakia to a
crossing of the Danube. This required a preliminary military expansion in
Thrakia which brought the Persians into direct contact with the Greeks of
the mainland. By a gigantic effort Darius succeeded in bringing his army
across Asia into Europe, crossing first the Bosphoros and then the Danube
with a force of about 720,000 men, supported by the entire strength of the
Persian navy. For the crossing of the Bosphorus and of the Danube there
were constructed bridges for which the King resorted to the engineering
skill of his Greek subjects. As Herodotus explains, the mere operation of
concentrating and moving these troops by the Persians proves what a
gigantic and efficient organization was the Persian Empire. If one were to
explain to beginners what an enormous organization was the Chinese Empire,
and what mass of resources it could mobilize, one might start by
explaining what is the Great Wall. Herodotus used the Scythian campaign
for a similar purpose.
Probably Darius set up his base of operation at Olbia and the other Greek
cities of the Scythian coast. Herodotus reports (IV 122) that the Scythian
scouts found him at about 3 days or 1½ degree east of the Danube. The
Scythians decided to withdraw before the Persians, pursuing a systematic
scorched-earth policy.
From the Greek cities of Olbia the King's army advanced opening as a fan
into Scythian territory. A part moved along the coast towards the Don and
a part moved along the limit of the forest line in a north-easterly
direction till it reached the city of Gelonos, which was destroyed. (41)
The army then moved south along the eastern bank of the Don. The Scythians
took up position in face of the Persians along the entire front and kept
retreating while harassing the enemy and systematically destroying the
country as much as they could. The Scythians had sent their women and
children to the north on wagons with all the cattle that was not necessary
for the support of the army; it is almost certain that they were sent into
the forest area.
According to Herodotus, King Darius, after destroying Gelonos, pushed into
the uninhabited area in the territory of the Boudinoi; this means that he
went beyond the limits of the geodetic square. When the army came to the
river Oaros it stopped and proceeded to construct a fortified line
consisting of eight forts spaced from each other about 60 stadia.
Reckoning by stadia of 833 to the degree, the forts were spaced at
distances of two Persian parasangs of about 8 kilometers. There is only
one place where the construction of this line would have had a function,
namely, the point where the Don is closest to the Volga. There cannot be
any doubt, therefore, that the Persians reached the area of Volgograd,
where the bend of the Don approaches the bend of the Volga. Eight would be
the number of forts necessary to close the stretch of about 60 km between
the Don and the Volga.
Herodotus states that in pursuing the Scythians King Darius stopped on the
bank of the Oaros (IV 124). Numerous scholars have concluded that the
Oaros mentioned by Herodotus is the Volga; they quote as supporting
evidence the fact that Ptolemy called the Volga by the name of Rhas, which
is the Mordvinian name of this river, but the similarity of sound between
Oaros and Rhas is not very convincing. Herodotus declares that there are
four rivers that flow into the Morass Maiotis together with the Tanais,
and lists them as the Lykos, the Oaros, the Tanais, and the Syrgis (IV
123). There is wide agreement that the rivers are described from east to
west so that the Syrgis is almost certainly the Donets. Those who identify
the Oaros with the Volga point out that a number of ancient and medieval
writers describe the Volga as flowing into the Don because the two rivers
come most close to each other and the trade route coming from the upper
Volga continued into the lower Don. I agree that the Volga may have been
listed by Herodotus as an affluent of the Don, but the river that
corresponds to the Volga in Herodotus' list must be the Lykos. Since Lykos
means "wolf" in Greek, it could be that the name of the Volga, which in
truth seems to be of Fenno-Ugrian origin, was understood as meaning "wolf"
by people who spoke Indoeuropean languages. The Oaros should be identified
with the Ylovlya which flows into the Don exactly at the great bend, after
having run for a long time most close to the Volga. When Herodotus
decleres that the Persians who had been descending along the eastern bank
of the Tanais or Don stopped on the bank of the Oaros, he means that they
stopped at the junction of the Ylovlya with the Don. Here the Ylovlya
detaches itself from the Don at its bend and runs very close to the Volga.
It is at this point that there was built the fortified line from the Don
to the Volga.
The Persian plan was to box the Scythians into the barren area of the
lower Volga which could not have supported their cattle and hence them.
The Persian army must have been aligned all along the Don and possibly the
lower course of the Oaros or Ylovlya; the Persian ships made it impossible
for the Scythians to achieve a breakthrough by a sudden concentrated
thrust across the Don. In order to prevent a Scythian breakthrough at the
great bend of the Volga, the Persians had started to build a fortified
line to the south.
The Persian plan was spectacular and possibly was the only adequate one.
But the Scythians escaped the fate of the German army at Stalingrad.
Thanks to their mobility they avoided being caught in a net like fish. By
a wide circular movement they crossed the Volga and passed to the north of
the Persian army: "While Darius was engaged in the work of fortification,
the Scythians whom he was chasing, by a circular movement through the
upper country, eluded him, returning to Scythia." (IV 124). Suddenly
Darius realized that the Scythians had disappeared and were no longer to
be seen. It is conceivable that in order to accomplish the maneuver the
Scythians abandoned their cattle, banking on the chance of finding new
food supplies once they had returned to their country. The Persian scheme
with which Darius had started his campaign -- to pin the Scythians between
the Persian army to the north and the Persian border to the south so as to
let them die of hunger there -- failed. It failed because of two factors.
Herodotus intended to explain what was learned by Napoleon and Hitler at
their expense and the expense of their subjects. The Persians failed
because of the geographical factor of the immensity of the Russian space,
combined with the unusual attachment to their land of the inhabitants of
the Russian plains, because of which they are willing to follow a policy
of scorched earth and to continue resistance beyond what other people
would consider the limit of human endurance. This is what was understood
by Herodotus, an historian whom Robert Cohen labels "mediocre in
psychology and mediocre in perceptivity." (42)
King Darius, however, had more daring and determination than Napoleon
after the capture of Moscow; by a rapid movement the Persian army reversed
its course and went back to Scythia, pursuing the Scythians into the
territory of the Lower Dnieper. This time the Scythians fled to the north,
entering the forest area. They may have chosen this course of action for
two reasons; they had realized that the Persian plan was to move north to
the limit of the forest area and then push the Scythians to the south
towards the area between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, so that they
would be caught between the Persian army and Persian territory. They had
to retreat towards the area where earlier they had sent their women and
children, as well as the greatest part of their cattle.
The ensuing military operation was more grandiose than anything that was
accomplished by Napoleon or Hitler in their invasions of Russia. The
Persians pursued the Scythians through the land of the Melanchlainoi,
probably the area to the south of Moscow; when the Persians dared to
pursue them even there, they moved towards the Baltic Sea, into the land
of the Androphagoi. The pursuit continued further across Poland into the
land of the Neuroi. The scope of the military engagements was so great
that the Melanchlainoi, the Androphagoi, and the Neuroi were forced to
abandon their homelands, fleeing into the lands of the extreme north (IV
128). This means that the Persians may have advanced through the area of
the Valdai Hills, approached the Baltic Sea, and returned south through
The Scythians completed a full circle and for the second time approached
the area of the lower Dniester. Finally the Scythians went back to their
own territory and the Persians to their bases of the lower Dniester. By
this time, since the Persians were finally being worn out (VIII 126-130)
the Scythians decided that the moment had come to turn the tables by
shifting to an offensive strategy (VIII 128). They would try to keep the
Persians pinned down in Scythia while cutting their lines across the
Danube (IV 130).
If the Scythians had been able to reach the Danube immediately in full
force, the fate of their opponents would have been sealed, but the
Scythians resorted to the strategy of sending only part of their forces to
the Danube while the rest harrassed the Persian army in order to slow it
down (VIII 130). The Scythians believed that the Greeks who were in charge
of the bridge would be convinced to betray their masters. At this point
the Persians were saved from disaster by a piece of clever deception
performed by their Greek subjects. A body of Scythians appeared at the
bridge over the Danube that had been built and was guarded by Ionian
Greeks. According to Herodotus (IV 133), the Scythians reminded the
Ionians that when King Darius had crossed the bridge he had given them a
rope with 60 knots and told them to undo a knot a day with the instruction
that if he had not returned within sixty days they should cut the bridge.
The figure of 60 days in the context of a picturesque and unlikely story
has been taken by the greatest majority of scholars as the key to their
interpretation of the Scythian campaign. They dismiss as meaningless the
dozens of precise and verifiable numerical data presented in a technical
context by Herodotus' Fourth Book, but they assign supreme significance to
the colorful detail of the rope with 60 knots. They like to believe that
King Darius was so primitive that he kept records by tying knots on a
rope. (43)
In their opinion, this figure should prove that King Darius' campaign did
not last more than 60 days. Since Darius' campaign certainly lasted more
than 60 days, the story must have been a tale that the Greeks told the
Scythians to stall them. >From Herodotus' narrative it is clear that the
Ionians were trying to gain time by stalling the Scythians. The Greeks
must have told the Scythians that they had taken an oath to guard the
bridge for 60 days and that they had to wait for that period. The Latin
term obligatio indicates how the ancients used the tying of knots to
indicate the contraction of binding engagements. Herodotus (IV 133)
presents the Scythians as describing to the Greeks that after sixty days
they could cut the bridge without proving faithless. Herodotus (IV 41)
further reports that the Scythians after the events judged the Ionian
Greeks to be "the most faithless and cowardly of all free men and the most
devoted and attached to their masters of all slaves." It is clear that the
Greeks only pretended to contemplate treason and fooled the Scythians. The
story of the rope could mean that the Ionians promised the Scythians that
they would cut the bridge if the Persians had not returned within 60 days;
the tying of the rope may have been used to sanctify the engagement taken
by the Ionians. The Scythians may have told the Ionians that Darius was
trapped in Scythia, and the Ionians may have replied that they would wait
for 60 days to see whether this was true. The Scythians may have accepted
the proposal of the Ionians rather than engage in a pitched battle with
At this point the King, having realized his predicament and understood
that his campaign had failed, ordered a desperate march of retreat toward
the bridge. After the Scythian move towards the bridge there remained to
the Persians no other alternative than to withdraw as quickly as possible.
By abandoning rearguard contingents to die or be taken prisoner, King
Darius was able to break contact with the main Scythian body, but again
the Scythians, thanks to their mobility, by a circular movement were able
to arrive at the bridge first. The Scythians told the Ionians: "The number
of days has ended and you do not fulfill your obligations by continuing to
stay here" (IV 136); the terminology indicates that the Ionians had
contracted an engagement with the Scythians. Certainly King Darius could
not have asked the Ionians to bind themselves to abandon the bridge and
the Scythians could not have accused the Ionians of not doing their duty
towards King Darius.
The true story seems to be that the Greeks told the Scythians that they
would cut the bridge at the right time, causing the Scythians to retreat.
When the Scythians appeared a second time, the Ionians dismantled the part
of the bridge on the northern side, which prevented the Scythians from
crossing the river and at the same time gave them the impression that the
Ionians were leaving. The Ionians may have promised that the rest of the
bridge would be dismantled later.
Having seen that the bridge was cut the Scythians moved north to meet the
Persian army in retreat, but they were hampered by their previous scorched
earth policy so that they had to engage in a circular movement through the
inland area. In the event the Persians, retreating at great speed through
the barren land, were able to evade them and to arrive at the Danube,
where the Ionians rebuilt the bridge upon their arrival.
Herodotus relates with great detail that at the moment of the second
Scythian appearance at the bridge, the Athenian Miltiades who had
established a tyranny in the area of the Hellespont and had participated
in the campaign together with other Greek tyrants under Persian
suzerainty, proposed that the Ionians cut the bridge in order to destroy
King Darius and his army and "to liberate Ionia" (IV 137). The Ionians
were favorable to Miltiades' proposal, but changed their mind when
Histiaios, tyrant of Miletos, the most prosperous city of Ionia, pointed
out that the tyrants were unpopular with their subjects and were kept in
power by the Persians. In this way Histiaios would have persuaded all
other Greek rulers under Persian suzerainty that it was in their interest
to support their masters. It has been properly observed that the movement
of popular opposition to tyranny had not yet started at that time and that
the related slogan "to liberate Ionia" had not yet been bandied around.
Herodotus probably reports a version of the events that was invented many
years later after the Greeks of Asia Minor had revolted against the
Persians and Miltiades had become a major figure in the struggle against
Persia. It has been suggested on solid grounds that the episode of the
debate among the Greeks at the bridge was concocted by Miltiades when he
was expelled from his tyranny in 493 BCE and had to return to Athens.
Since in Athens he was brought to trial under the charge of being a
supporter of tyranny, it is likely that he invented the tale of the debate
in order to prove that he had never put the interest of the preservation
of tyranny before that of Greek anti-Persian patriotism. On this occasion
the detail of the rope with 60 knots was distorted in order to conceal the
fact that the behavior of the Ionians aimed at deluding the Scythians and
trying to save the Persian army. If the Greeks had seriously considered
betrayal, the Persians, who were most suspicious of possible disloyalties,
would have wreaked a terrible vengeance, whereas the King of Persia
rewarded Histiaios "for guarding the bridge" with a territory in Thrakia
close to the border of Greece proper (V. 23). Such a holding would never
have been given to a potential traitor or to anyone suspected of Greek
The argument that the Scythian campaign was but a brief foray across the
Danube is based on the assumption that it was concluded in 60 days. Even
Legrand who grants that the story of the rope is a tale concocted in
Athens at the occasion of Miltiades' trial of 493 BCE, justifies by the
figure of 60 days his contention that the Scythian campaign was invented
by Herodotus in order to have a pretext for including in his work an
account of the geography of Scythia. Herodotus would be the kind of
historian who would invent an entire war for the sake of achieving a
smooth literary transition.
The figure of 60 days is so sacred among scholars that Tamara Talbot Rice
holds on to it, even though she admits that the Persians advanced to the
Volga. But the story about the sixty days cannot be considered an
indication of the length of the Persian campaign in Scythia.
Once it is recognized that the King was not a liar when he set up a stele
stating that he had marched with 700,000 men, it must be concluded on the
basis of the parallel with the expedition of King Xerxes into Greece, that
the advance across the Bosphoros, the conquest of Thrakia and the
crosssing of the Danube must have taken a full period of military
operations. Unfortunately Herodotus does not give a single indication
about the time taken by the Persian operations; apparently he received the
information from somebody who was using a map, the map presenting the
geodetic square of Scythia, and was interested only in indicating the
geographical positions and not the times. I would conclude that the
Scythian campaign occupied three years. Considering the time that it took
for King Xerxes to move his army from Susa to Athens, a full military
season, King Darius must have spent a full military season to move his
army from Asia Minor to the area of the lower Dnieper where it must have
gone into winter quarters. The King must have gone into winter quarters at
his base near Tyras. The following year there must have taken place the
great advance across Scythia that took the Persians to Gelonos and then to
the Volga. Herodotus indicates that the Persians lost contact with the
Scythians and regained it only with the advance into the territory of the
Melanchlainoi and Androphagoi; this sugggests that the Persians spent
another winter in their original winter quarters on the lower Dnieper, and
advanced from there to the north in the following spring. The third year
saw the Persian advance towards Central Russia and the Baltic coast.
The Persian records do not provide directly a date for the Scythian
campaign. From them it can only be inferred that King Darius was engaged
in other enterprises up to 518 and after 508 BCE, but his span of time can
be narrowed by the Greek records. Herodotus begins the Fourth Book with
the sentence: "After the capture of Babylon there took place the drive (elasis)
against the Scythians conducted in person by Darius." In 522 BCE Darius
was a king's spearbearer in Egypt and in that year he usurped the title of
King; the campaign against the other pretenders to the throne and against
the revolted provinces culminated with the capture of Babylon in November
521 BCE The year 520 BCE was spent in the reorganization of the Empire,
the most significant aspect of which was the issuance of a legal code to
be used by all subjects. These facts are mentioned in the great Behistun
inscription that was cut at the end of 520 BCE In 519 BCE King Darius
invaded the land of the eastern Scythians crossing in person the Caspian
Sea on a raft. An addition was made to the Behistun inscription mentioning
the victory over the Pointed-Cap Scythians, as the eastern Scythians were
called to distinguish them. The Persians gave the name of Saka (equivalent
to the Greek term Scythian) to all the Indo-European-speaking nomads who
lived in the plains around the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. But
Herodotus gives the name of Scythians only to those who lived in Europe,
which for him extends to the Don. The Behistun inscription mentions that
revenge was taken on the Saka for the slaying of the Persian King Cyrus.
Herodotus (I 101) mentions those who killed Cyrus as living towards the
East between the river Araxes and the country of the Issedones to the
north, specifying that "some call them Scythians." He continues giving a
description and the dimension of the Caspian Sea (I 203). It is possible
that Herodotus' date of the Scythians campaign rests on a confusion
between the Saka or Scythians of the west and the Scythians of the east in
interpreting the information of the Behistun inscription, the text of
which was sent to all parts of the Empire. Herodotus states that King
Darius invaded the land of the Scythians, meaning the western Scythians,
as a revenge for the Scythians' invasion of the Middle East up to Egypt
that had taken place a century earlier, but this invasion in which the
Scythians allied themselves with the Assyrians against the Medes,
predecessors of the Persians in the imperial rule, most likely was the
work of the eastern Scythians. Even though Herodotus may be wrong in his
dating, the campaign of King Darius against the western Saka is likely to
have been conceived as a necessary continuation of the victorious campaign
against the eastern Saka. In the winter of 519-518 BCE the King was in the
area of Palestine where among other problems he had to quench the flames
of Jewish nationalism. In the year 518 BCE he was in Egypt where he was
consolidating Persian rule and taking the steps necessary to be recognized
as a Pharaoh by the Egyptians. At the end of 518 BCE he returned to the
capital of Susa. The conquest of western India must have taken place in
the years immediately following, since India is included in the list of
satrapies found in Egypt, a list which was compiled in 512 BCE, as I shall
explain below.
The Capitoline Table, which is a Greek list of dates, a copy of which was
found in Rome and is preserved at the Capitoline Museum, mentions the
crossing of the Hellespont by King Xerxes in 480 BCE and before that it
mentions King Darius as having crossed the Cimmerian Bosphorus in the same
year in which the tyrant Hipparchos was slain in Athens, that is, 514 BCE
There is no reason to doubt this date. The very fact that only western
subjects of the Empire were mobilized for the Scythian campaign suggests
that the other subjects were still engaged in the Indian enterprise or
were returning from it. Herodotus indicates that plans for the conquest of
what the Persians considered Europe had started immediately after.
In my opinion, King Darius spent the year 515 BCE moving his forces from
Dascylium to the mouth of the Dnieper where he established his base of
operation. In the spring of 514 BCE he crossed into Crimea, initiating the
great sweep across the Scythian land that culminated at the Volga. Perhaps
his plan was to let the Scythians die of hunger in the area of the lower
Volga during the winter of 514/513 BCE When they escaped, he returned to
the winter quarters of the previous year. In 513 BCE he pursued them to
the north and was finally forced to retreat from Scythia for good. Most
historians, assuming that it lasted only a year, place the Scythian
campaign in 513 BCE, because Greek data suggest that the revolt of the
Greek cities of the Bosphoros took place in that year. I assume that 513
BCE was the last year of the campaign. After the Scythian campaign
Herodotus mentions the Persian campaign for the conquest of Libya which
cannot have taken place later than 512 BCE because the stelai that were
erected to celebrate the construction of the canal from the Nile to the
Red Sea, which cannot be dated later than 512 BCE, list the area of Libya
as a new Persian satrapy.
See below, p. for the location of this settlement.
La Grece et l'hellenization du monde antique, (Paris, 1934), p. 157.
Grote, A History of Greece Vol. III, p. 481; Thirlwall The History of Greece, II, p. 223; Dunckler VI, p. 282
The Battle of Marathon
Scythian campaign opened a series of events that caused Persia to become
embroiled in a conflict with Athens.
After 520 BCE the tyrant of Athens, Hippias, helped Miltiades, a member of
a rival aristocratic clan, to establish himself as tyrant of the Thrakian
Chersonnesos, the peninsula that forms the western shore of the
Dardanelles. A number of Athenian settlers were planted in the general
area that includes the island of Lemnos which blocks the entrance to the
Dardanelles. The advance of King Darius into Thrakia in 515 BCE, as the
first move in his advance into Scythian, caused a number of the settlers
to return to Athens. It could be that the political instability that
followed the return to Athens of the dispossessed settlers who had left
their city because they were not friendly to the tyrant, set the stage for
the plot against the tyranny that succeeded only in killing Hippias'
brother (514 BCE).
failure of the Scythian campaign caused the Greek cities of the Bosphorus
to revolt against Persia. These cities were bound for economic reasons to
be dependent on the goodwill of whoever dominated the area of Scythian,
with the result that once the Persian king had lost they had to throw
their lot with the Scythians. These cities may have been afraid of the
Scythian revenge raids into Thrakia that took place in the wake of the
Persian withdrawal. In 513 BCE the Persian army did not return to Asia by
crossing the Bosphorus, as it had been done in the advance, but was forced
to move south and cross at the Dardanelles where it could count on the
support of Miltiades. The following year the Scythians took their
vengeance on Miltiades by forcing him to abandon his possession of the
Chersonessos and return to Athens. The Scythians made overtures to Sparta
for an alliance, and it could be that this contributed to the Spartan
decision to intervene militarily in Athens in 510 BCE in order to
overthrow the tyranny. The expelled tyrant Hippias withdrew to Sigeion in
the Troad, on the shore facing the former possession of Miltiades, which
indicates that Hippias was an ally of Persia.
Up to the moment of his retreat from Scythian, King Darius had been
satisfied with a rather loose control of Thrakia and of the Greek cities
of the Aegean Sea, because if he had succeeded in conquering Scythian,
Thrakia would have been safely in his grip and the Greeks of the Aegean
Sea, whose economic life depended in great part on the trade with the
Black Sea, would have been at his mercy. The failure of the campaign
compelled King Darius to readjust his plans. The revolt of the Greek
cities of the Bosphorus was put down, but it had given a taste to the
Greeks of the possibility of revolting against Persian domination. When
the King withdrew to Asia, he left in Europe the satrap Megabazos with a
force of 80,000 men. Megabazos performed well his task of firmly
establishing Persian power in Thrakia. He was so effective that he could
force the King of Makedonia to become at least nominally a vassal of
The Paionians who lived in the area of the river Strymon, which today
marks the Graeco-Turkish frontier, tried to resist but were defeated by
the encircling tactics dear to the Persians. They aligned themselves along
the coast in order to block a Persian advance from the direction of the
Dardanelles, but the Persians moved inland through the mountains and fell
upon the Paionian cities that had been left undefended. A number of
Paionian tribes were deported wholesale to Asia Minor. The tyrant of
Miletos, Histiaios, who had saved the bridge across the Danube for the
retreating Persians, received as a gift some of the territory vacated by
the Paionians; but, when he built a fortified town on the Strymon in a
position that not only dominated the crossing of the river, but also an
area rich in silver mines and timber for shipbuilding, the Persians
concluded that this was too much power in the hands of a subject who was
already master of Miletos, the richest city of Ionia. The King announced
to Histiaios that he was going to make him one of his counselors and
invited him to pay a visit to the capital of Susa, where he was kept as an
honored guest. The actual exercise of the tyranny in Miletos was entrusted
to Histiaios' nephew and son-in-law, Aristagoras.
As acting tyrant of Miletos, Aristagoras intended to serve his masters
well, but was not very successful. When civil war broke out in the island
of Naxos, the richest island of the Aegean Sea, and the expelled oligarchs
took refuge in Miletos, Aristagoras thought that this provided a good
opportunity for seizing the island. He made present to the Persians that
the possession of Naxos would make possible not only to extend Persian
rule to all the Kyklades islands of the central Aegean, but also provide a
basis for the conquest of the island of Euboia that lies against the
mainland of Greece and is separated by a narrow body of the sea from
Attika (V 31). Aristagoras asked help in conquering Naxos from the
Persians who sent a force of 200 triremes with a body of embarked
infantry, but possibly the Persian contingent was larger than he had
bargained for. A quarrel broke out between the Persian commander and
Aristagoras on the question of who should be the effective commander of
the expedition against Naxos, with the result that the enterprise failed
(499 BCE).
Aristagoras became convinced that as a result of this affair his days as
ruler of Miletos might be counted and decided that his only chance of
salvation was to stir up a general revolt of the Greek cities against
Persian rule. The climate for a revolt was favorable because the Persian
method of dealing with the subject Greek cities was to let them be ruled
by a tyrant. At that turn of time the institution of tyranny had become
unpopular among the Greks; the change had been marked by the expulsion of
the tyrant Hippias from Athens (510 BCE) followed by the establishment of
a democratic constitution. Aristagoras rebelled against Persia and tried
to enlist the support of the cities of Greece proper in the name of a
crusade for the liberation of all the Greeks subjected to Persia. Only
later, at the end of the general revolt of their Greek subjects, the
Persians understood what was the political basis of this nationalistic
slogan and permitted the Greek cities under their rule to have democratic
Aristagoras visited Sparta where with the help of his map of the world he
tried to explain that there was a possibility for a successful Greek
attack against the very heart of the Persian Empire. But the Spartans were
not impressed with this project that to them must have appeared
megalomaniacal. He was better received in Athens where he was granted a
small but effective force of ships and infantry. Athens had made a formal
act of submission to Persia in 508 BCE at the moment in which a democratic
constitution had been established in spite of Spartan pressures; but the
Athenian policy of friendship with the Persians was wrecked by their
insistence that the Athenians permit the return to his city of the former
tyrant Hippias (V 96). The Athenians granted Aristagoras the help of 20
triremes which probably carried a hoplite force of about 200 men (this
represented about one fourth of the Athenian sea and land strength); the
city of Eretria, which as an immediate neighbor of Athens had no
particular love for the Athenian cause, contributed 5 triremes with
infantry because earlier Miletos had given her assistance in a fight with
a neighboring city of the island of Euboia. With these allies in 498 BCE
Aristagoras was able to stage a surprise raid from the coast of Asia Minor
inland to the city of Sardis, the former capital of the kingdom of Lydia,
which was then the capital of the most important Persian satrapy in Asia
Minor. The Persian satrap with his troops was resisting in the citadel of
Sardis, when the city by plan or by accident went up in flames. Thereupon
Aristagoras withdrew, leaving behind the smoldering city, but the event
stimulated a universal revolt of the Greek subjects of Persia all the way
from the Bosphorus to the island of Cyprus.
The Athenians did not support this revolt since from their point of view
the attack on Sardis had ended in disaster, the Persian cavalry having
inflicted heavy losses on the Athenian raiders just when they had returned
to the coast at Ephesos. The political faction led by the Pisistratids,
the clan of the former tyrants, was able to convince the Athenians to
adopt a policy of neutrality in the conflict between Persia and her Greek
subjects. It could be that it was because of this political shift that in
496 BCE Miltiades left Athens again to reassert his personal rule in the
Chersonnesos. Meanwhile the Persians were able to stage a counterattack
and to reduce again to subjection the revolted cities. The combined fleet
of the Ionians which gathered up to 353 triremes proved no match for the
Persian fleet of 600 triremes (VI 9). The successful Persian
counter-offensive culminated in 494 BCE with the siege of Miletos, which
was blockaded by 600 Persian triremes, according to Herodotus (VI 9). The
Greeks were able to align 353 triremes, but when battle to break the siege
of Miletos was engaged, some of the Greek contingents lost heart and
deserted, with the result that the Persians stormed the city and destroyed
it; its inhabitants were sold as slaves. In their counterattack the
Persians relied on the help of the Phoenicians, the mortal enemies of the
Greeks, whom earlier they had carefully excluded from the operations in
the Aegean and Black Sea area. In 493 BCE the Phoenicians went after
Miltiades since they could not tolerate the domination by a Greek of the
most strategic point on the line of access to the Black Sea. It must have
been with great glee that the Phoenicians in the name of the Persian King
burned the Greek cities of Byzantion and Kalchedon that dominated the
passage of the Bosphorus (VI 33). Miltiades barely escaped with his life
from the hands of the Phoenicians and returned to Athens. Miltiades'
eldest son was captured by the Phoenicians who brought him to the
Persians, but they treated this prisoner with great honor and gave him a
Persian wife (VI 41). Upon Miltiades' return to Athens his political
enemies tried to get rid of his embarrassing presence by bringing him to
trial as a supporter of the institution of tyranny. Several scholars agree
that it was on this occasion that Miltiades concocted the distorted
version reported by Herodotus of what had happened at the bridge over the
Danube about twenty years earlier; his version of the events had the
purpose of proving that he had been an opponent of tyranny and enemy of
Persia as far back as that. The ferocious revenge taken by the Persians on
the city of Miletos had caused emotional shock in Athens and embarrassed
the pro-Persian party. As a result there prevailed in Athens the policy of
alliance with Sparta which, however, was not popular, since it meant
subservience of Athens to Sparta, given that the latter had a much larger
land army. Themistokles proposed the policy of building Athens as a great
naval power, by which she would be independent both of Persia and Sparta,
but this policy was adopted only after the battle of Marathon.
The year 493 BCE was used by the Persians to consolidate their position in
the Greek cities of Ionia and to introduce their new policy that favored
democracy over tyranny. Although the Persians had succeeded in reducing
their former subjects, it became clear to them that they could not feel
safe as long as some of the Greek cities were still independent. In 492
BCE the Persians initiated a campaign to conquer Europe. A large army
after having crossed the Dardanelles imposed Persian will on the
territories north of the Greek mainland, Thrakia and Makedonia, including
the Greek island of Thasos off the coast of Thrakia. They would have
continued by advancing into northern Greece, but the project had to be
abandoned when the Persian fleet that was moving along the Thrakian coast
in order to support the land forces was partly wrecked when caught in a
storm while turning the promontory of Mount Athos. Herodotus relates that
it was said that the Persians lost 300 triremes and over 20,000 men (VI
44). After this mishap the Persians decided to experiment with completely
different tactics: Instead of using the navy to support a large land army,
the navy would be used as the main instrument of attack. The year 491 BCE
was spent in putting together and training a not-too-great (by Persian
standards) but choice force of infantry and cavalry to be carried by the
fleet and to be used in amphibious operations. The infantry was carried by
the triremes which were in the usual number of 600 (VI 95), but the
cavalry was carried on other triremes that had been specially adapted.
Possibly the Persians anticipated what was done later by the Athenians who
used their old triremes to transport the cavalry (Thuk. II 56).
The purpose of this naval force was to strike terror among the Greeks and
in particular to convince the Athenians to break their alliance with
Sparta and to adopt a pro-Persian policy. The prestige of the Persian
empire required that those independent Greek cities, Athens and Eretria,
that had participated in the raid against Sardis be meted exemplary
punishment; furthermore, the Persians may have assumed that once these
more pertinacious opponents had been disposed of, the remaining cities of
Greece proper could be persuaded to accept Persian suzerainty. The
Persians aimed at achieving their objectives with the most economical
means. An opportunity for successful maneuvering seemed to have offered
itself when the tyrant Hippias who had been expelled from Athens fled to
the Persian court at Susa, where he asked for assistance claiming to have
supporters among the opponents of the newly established democratic
constitution of Athens. The Persians were hoping to succeed with the help
of the Pisistratid party within Athens, and for this reason the Persian
fleet carried along the exile Hippias who also was used as political and
military advisor. Hippias was unquestionably popular within Athens, so
much so that earlier the Spartans had tried to win Hippias to their side
and had invited him to Sparta, proposing to restore him as a tyrant in
Athens. (V 91, 93).
The Persian fleet assembled at Samos in the spring of 490 BCE and as a
first step moved to attack the island of Naxos. The inhabitants of this
island fled to the mountains, abandoning the city of Naxos to the
Persians, who put it on fire. The Persians continued subduing other
islands so as to close a circle around Athens; the key island of Aigina in
the Saronic Gulf in front of Athens had already been an ally of Persia for
a few years. Finally the Persians landed at Karystos at the southern tip
of the island of Euboia, and after a brief siege forced the people of
Karystos to join the Persian side. Having acquired this foothold in Euboia,
the Persian fleet, after setting up three bases on the coast of the
territory of Eretria, disembarked the cavalry and infantry. The plan to
move against the Greek mainland by seizing the island of Naxos and then
the island of Euboia had been already considered by the Persians in the
unfortunate expedition of 499 BCE on the suggestion of Aristagoras. The
people of Eretria withdrew within the city walls, but they lacked the full
determination to resist; after six days of Persian siege, on the seventh
day two of the leading citizens opened the gate to the enemy. The male
citizens of Eretria were made prisoners and taken to the small island of
Aigileia (the present Stira) which was one of the bases of the Persian
fleet on the coast of Eretria and faces the bay of Marathon in Attika.
As is stated by Platous (Menexenos| 240 C; Laws 698 D), all the
Greek cities were paralyzed with fear before the Persian forces. There was
no naval force in Greece that could challenge the Persians at sea (at the
time the Athenian navy had not more than 80 triremes) with the result that
the Persians could freely move to land their cavalry and infantry where
they chose. No other Greeks came to the help of Eretria except for 4000
Athenian settlers on the island of Euboia who were instructed by their
mother country to help the Eretrians, and these too saved themselves
before the battle was over. The technical superiority of the Persian
amphibious force was such that it could strike anywhere with impunity. No
Greek city would help another because nobody could tell for sure where the
blow would fall next.
The cavalry added to the navy completed the principle of absolute mobility
on which the strategy of this operation was founded. There are critical
historians who consider that this was not true. For instance, De Sanctis
and Guilio Giannelli claimed that Herodotus' mention of a Persian cavalry
force carried on triremes fitted for the transport of horses (VI 94, 95,
101, 102) is preposterous, because it would have been impossible to
transport horses on a long sea voyage. Giannelli, who has written a
special essay on the battle of Marathon, added that the Persian triremes
were 100 and not 600, so that they would not have been an overpowering
threat to the Athenian navy or other Greek navies. That horses could be
transported on triremes is evidenced by Thukydides (II 56, VI, 43) and
later Athenian documents. Thirty horses could be loaded on a trireme by
reducing the oarsmen to 60, that is, one third of the regular number.
Whoever invented the trireme reckoned sexagesimally, since in principle
there were three rows of 30 oarsmen each on each side, with a total of
180. The lesser fighting ship used earlier by the Greeks, the penteconter,
had been conceived by decimal reckoning, since it had two rows of 25
oarsmen each on each side with a total of 100. Probably the 30 horses were
placed crosswise in the triremes, one for each bench of oarsmen. It has
been argued that when horses were loaded on triremes all the regular seats
were removed and the 60 oarsmen sat on the stormdeck that covered the
seats of the regular three rows of oarsmen. The assertion of some critical
historians that horses could not have been carried by the Persians in
their island-hopping operation is gratuitous when we know that in 415 BCE
the Athenians sent all the way to Syracuse in Sicily a force of 100
triremes which was fitted out for naval combat and carried 4000 hoplites
and 300 horses (Thuk. VI 31, 43).
According to the account of Herodotus (VI 110), the Persians waited a few
days after the fall of Eretria and then moved against Athens, confident
that the Athenians would behave like the Eretrians. The Persians landed at
Marathon which is a few miles across the sea from Eretrian territory and
was considered the area of Attica "most suitable for the landing of
cavalry" (VI 102). The landing at Marathon must have been conceived as
being part of the same general operation as the landing at Eretria,
because Herodotus states that when the Athenians learned of the landing at
Marathon, the part of Attika nearest to Eretria, "they too came to the
rescue" (VI 103). This sentence refers to the fact that when the Persians
landed at Eretria, the Athenians had not answered the call of the
Eretrians "to come to the rescue" (VI 100), except by so instructing the
Athenian settlers who were already in the island of Euboia. Marathon is at
the northern limit of Attika at a distance of 42 kilometers from Athens.
The aim of the Persian tactics has been clarified by the discovery in
Athens in 1933 A.D. of a stone that contains a most important inscription.
There are reasons to believe that this stone was part of the monument that
listed the names of the 192 Athenians who died in the battle of Marathon;
the monument had been erected on the Athenian Akropolis and was destroyed
by the Persians during their occupation of Athens in 480 BCE The
inscription contains the text of an epigram of four lines honoring the
heroes of Marathon. Several lines are missing, but the essential meaning
of the epigram is clear; it can be paraphrased as follows: these men must
have had a heart of steel to fight outside the city gates and align
themselves in combat formation against an enemy that planned to burn the
coastal regions; thereby they saved the city, for they compelled the
Persian force to withdraw. The text of the epigram agrees with the
expressions used by ancient historians, but adds the new information that
the Persians planned to burn the coastal region. But, in truth, this piece
of information agrees with the statement of Herodotus that the Persians,
"having subdued Eretria, waited a few days and then sailed to Attika,
ravaging the land a great deal and believing that they would do to the
Athenians what they had done to the Eretrians" (VI 102). This is the
reading indicated by the manuscripts of Herodotus, but some editors have
changed it because they did not understand the Persian tactics. They have
altered the verb kategazw, which in the language of Herodotus means "to
ravage" a country.
The Persians hoped that the Athenians would behave like the Eretrians,
that is, withdraw within the city walls. If this had taken place the
Persians would have been free to ravage the countryside all along the
shore, destruction that would have been particularly painful to the
Athenians because it was the month of September, the month in whih grapes,
olives, and fruits are gathered. The Persians planned to follow the method
used later by the Spartans in the Peloponnesian War when they
systematically ravaged the Attic countryside while the Athenians kept
within the walls; but the Persians could have been much more effective
than the Spartans because they also controlled the sea and could block all
supplies. The Persians hoped that by these tactics they could force the
Athenians to change their foreign policy. The return of Hippias to Athens
would have been the guarantee that this city would definitely stay on the
Persian side. As Fritz Schachermeyr has pointed out, the Persians did not
want to destroy Athens, but on the contrary were eager to have the
Athenians as allies and to use them as their chief instrument of
penetration in Greece and, I would say, the Mediterranean. The Persians
did not give up the hope of an alliance with Athens even after the battle
of Marathon and conducted negotiations with Themistokles to this end.
The Persians had established their base at Marathon because they assumed
that the Athenians would never dare to attack them that far from Athens
(some 28 miles) since to move the army there would have meant to leave the
city unprotected. But Miltiades convinced the Athenians to take this risk
and to march to Marathon. Sources different from Herodotus report that a
decree was put before the popular assembly sanctioning the policy that "it
is necessary to go out," and not to stay within the walls. The decree of
Miltiades agrees with the text of the mentioned epigram, the wording of
which is paraphrased in a statement of Cornelius Nepos (Miltiades V)
that Athenienses copias ex urbe eduxerunt locoque idoneo castra
fecerunt. The Athenians set up camp at the very margin of the plain of
Marathon in an area that was higher and rocky so that the Persians could
not use their cavalry against them. Practically all scholars agree that
the Athenians aligned themselves across the valley of Vrana, the very
bottom of which is about 2000 meters from the shore of Marathon. The
Persians were aligned along the shore in front of their ships that were
either beached or moored on the sandy beach of the bay of Marathon. The
result of the extremely daring maneuver of Miltiades was that the Persians
could not move from their position; they had landed in Attika but they had
found themselves pinned against the shore. Their strength was the cavalry
but they could not use it against the enemy positions, and if they tried
to move either north or south along the shore they would be exposed to a
flank attack. If they tried to embark their forces they could be exposed
to an attack while they were in disarray. The infantry could be embarked
quickly, but the embarking of the horses must have been a lengthy
Miltiades followed the strategy recommended by the best German generals
when the Allies were planning their landing in France: one should try to
stop the Allies within the first two kilometers from the shore or not try
at all. According to those generals the alternative was to withdraw all
the way to the Siegfried line. Between these two alternatives that were
similar to those considered by the Athenians, the Oberkommando der
Wehrmacht and Hitler chose a middle course, which proved unfortunate.
The surprise move of Miltiades had achieved a victory without a fight. The
choice of Marathon as a landing place had proved an error for the
Persians; Miltiades took advantage of this error by leading his troops to
the valley which is today called Vrana where he could align his army in a
position protected on one side by Mount Agrieliki and on the other side by
Mount Kotroni, both steep and rocky hillocks. The problems is that of
explaining why the Persians, usually so well informed in matters of
geography, chose such an unfortunate location. Herodotus states that this
was the area of Attika "most suitable for the landing of the cavalry" (VI
102). Most interpreters understand differently the verb enippeusai and
translate "most suitable for the deployment of cavalry" and then continue
by observing that Herodotus was mistaken because the place was most
unsuitable, whereas there were other suitable places. It is the usual
technique of interpreting the text of Herodotus so as to let him appear as
absurd as possible. As it is observed, the plain of Marathon was limited
to the north by a large lagoon and to the south by a smaller one and was
further cut by torrents, so that the Persian army was restricted to a
relatively small area. This proves that the Persians chose a location
where they could easily defend themselves if they were attacked while
landing the cavalry. Furthermore, the long sandy beach of Marathon would
permit to pull the triremes on shore; this must have been necessary in
order to discharge the horses from the triremes, which must have been a
long and complex operation. The time needed to disembark and embark the
horses may have been the greatest single cause of failure in the campaign
of Marathon. It is significant that in the following campaign of 480 BCE
the Persians loaded their horses on "small merchant ships" (VII 97)
instead of triremes.
Herodotus explains that the Persians landed at Marathon on the direction
of Hippias (VI 107). Immediately following this statement Herodotus
relates that Hippias had a dream followed by a coughing which he
interpreted as indicating that the operation would fail; any modern
psychoanalyst would also interpret this coughing as the expression of a
subconscious desire for defeat. The coughing which caused Hippias to lose
a tooth on the sand of the beach followed a dream of intercourse with his
own mother. The Oedipal dream can be understood as significant because
Marathon had been chosen by Hippias' father, Peisistratos, for a landing
which opened the way for a victorious march on Athens and the
establishment of tyranny (I 62). It would seem that Herodotus intends to
give a psychoanalytic explanation of why Hippias, who obviously knew the
terrain to perfection, made a bad choice in advising the Persians. Hippias
wanted to do as well as his father, but his wish took the character of an
Oedipal wish to outdo the father and possess the mother, with subsequent
guilt and self-defeat.
The Persian strategy and that of Miltiades resulted in a stalemate because
the Persians could not move beyond Marathon as they had planned, being
unable to use the cavalry on rocky ground, while the Greeks, because of
the Persian cavalry, could not attack the Persians that were encamped on
the shore of the plain. The Athenians had sent a messenger to Sparta
asking for help and were waiting for the arrival of the Spartan forces.
The Persians were apparently waiting for dissensions to break out among
the Athenians, since they had banked on Hippias' promise that some of his
former subjects would rally to his side.
The stalemate had lasted through the tenth day after the Persian landing
at Marathon, when on the morning of the eleventh day the Athenians went to
the attack. Herodotus (VI 112) asserts that the Greeks resorted to a
method of warfare never used before: instead of marching towards the
enemy, they engaged in a race (dromos) for the entire distance that
separated the two armies, not less than 8 stadia (probably artabic stadia
of 8 to a Roman mile, or 1500 meters). The Greek line was strong on the
wings and weak at the center. This distribution of the forces was to be
expected since the wings had to withstand the strong Persian cavalry
force; in ancient warfare the function of the cavalry was to protect the
wings and to harass the enemy wings. In the absence of the cavalry, the
Persian wings were unusually weak. The Persian center broke though the
enemy lines, but the Greek wings closed behind the Persians. The Persians
had no other recourse except to try to run back to their ships. According
to the report, the Athenians killed approximately 6400 Persians at a loss
of 192 of their own men, but they did not succeed in getting hold of the
Persian ships before they could take off from the beach; only seven ships
were captured (VI 115).
All scholars agree that Herodotus' account contains "not a few patent
contradictions." Bury regrets that at the time of Marathon there was not
"a contemporary historian lice Thukydides to ask searching questions and
record the truth." (44)
Macan declares that the story of the Athenian advance against the Persians
is "probably genuine," as long as we assume that it was a march at double
speed and not a race, but "the rest is distortion, exaggeration,
inconsequence, glorification." (45)
Most scholars are only somewhat less critical than Macan. A group that is
more radical than Macan claims that actually it was the Persians who went
to the attack; their argument is that, since Herodotus does not mention
the participation of the Persian cavalry in the battle, it can be inferred
that the Persians had decided to attack the Athenians on the hills.
Several other explanations for the failure of the Persian cavalry to
participate in the battle have been offered. Grote suggested that the
Athenians caught the Persian horsemen by surprise so that they did not
have time to get on their mounts. Among the recent writers, H. G. L.
Hammond claims that the cavalry was pasturing further north and did not
arrive in time for the beginning of the battle. By the time it arrived, it
could not be deployed because the armies were fighting at close quarters.
Some scholars claim that the Persian cavalry had not yet arrived from
Eretria, even though Herodotus states that the Persians had landed at
Marathon a few days after the capture of Eretria and that the battle took
place on the eleventh day after the landing. In order to explain why the
cavalry was still at Eretria, Munro adds the further suggestion that the
Persians had landed at the same time at Karystos, Eretria, and Marathon
with the result that their forces were scattered in three separate
actions. (47)
I have already mentioned the opinion that Herodotus is completely wrong
when he states that the expeditionary forces sent to Greece included
horsemen. At the opposite extreme there are the critics, such as Johannes
Kromayer (48) and Hans Delbrueck, (49) who claim that Herodotus is in
error when he assumes that the Persian cavalry did not participate in the
battle. (50)
Among the minority of scholars who do not assume that the Persians were
wanton in their military actions and that Herodotus is fanciful in his
report, there prevails the opinion that the cavalry was absent from the
battle because it had been embarked, since the Persians were planning to
withdraw from Marathon and to land at the Phaleron, the outer harbor of
Athens. (51)
The withdrawal of the Persian cavalry is mentioned in the dictionary of
Suidas where he explains the meaning of the idiom xwris ippeis
"without cavalry, the cavalry is off": "As Datis who had landed in Attica
was retiring, the Ionians by climbing on trees signalled to the Athenians
the cavalry is off." "As Miltiades learned in this way of their
withdrawal, he engaged battle and won. Hence, this expression is used
proverbially to refer to those who are breaking their military formation."
According to this text the Ionians who were serving in the Persian fleet
betrayed their Persian commander by informing their fellow Greeks; the
withdrawal must have taken place at night because otherwise the Athenians
encamped above Marathon would have seen by themselves what was taking
We may disregard the opinion of those, such as Schachermeyr, who question
the account of Herodotus by claiming that the Persians never planned to
land at the Phaleron after the withdrawal from Marathon (fantaisies
had said Hauvette of this [52]).
An opposite position is taken by Anton E. Raubitschek who claims not only
that the Persians planned to land at the Phaleron, but actually landed and
were defeated there in a battle with the Athenians; (53) neither Herodotus
nor any other Greek source hints at the occurrence of this repetition of
the battle of Marathon.
Among the other more recent writers on the subject, A. W. Gomme was
willing to accept Herodotus' account as having some value. Gomme gave an
explanation of what happened at Marathon that to my mind is convincing and
in agreement with the texts; but, since to assume that Herodotus said
something sensible is a serious offense for modern scholarship, before
presenting his views Gomme engaged in elaborate expiatory rites. He began
his article thus:
Everyone knows that Herodotus' narrative of Marathon will not do. Many improvements have been suggested: some good, some bad. . . . My theme is rather this: if we reject Herodotus, are we justified at all in correcting, or adding to, his narrative, or ought we just to sit back, and say nothing, because correction is arbitrary? (54)
Gomme then proceeded to state that the Persians, knowing that the Spartan
forces sent to succor Athens were two days away, had embarked the cavalry
during the night and at daybreak they were in the process of embarking the
infantry. The Greeks who already knew that the Persians had embarked their
cavalry and, hence, were ready, saw that this was the best moment to
strike. Even though Gomme concluded that "this theory explains best the
obvious mistakes in Herodotus' narrative," (55) it is in reality a mere
expansion of Herodotus' words.
The Persians were trapped on the shore of Marathon so that their first
problem was how to pull out from there without being attacked while
embarking, and their second problem was to see whether they could land in
some more suitable location. The first problem could be solved by
embarking at night, since the Greek hoplites did not fight at night. The
cavalry was embarked during the night, but in the morning the infantry had
not yet been embarked. One can assume, as did Gomme, that the Persians
were inefficient and ill-organized and therefore failed to complete the
embarkation on time, but all evidence indicates that the Persian military
staff planned their operations with extreme care.
The Persians must have decided that it was necessary to keep the Athenian
forces at Marathon as long as possible. Probably the Persians decided to
provoke the Athenians to action by causing them to see that they were in
the process of embarking their forces in order to attempt a dash by sea to
Athens. At dawn the Athenians would have seen the Persian infantry aligned
in front of the ships without cavalry. The Persians may have decided that
that was a risk they had to take in order to pin down at Marathon the
Athenian hoplites while the slow-moving cavalry transports sailed toward
Athens. Perhaps the Persian plan was not to engage in a full-size battle
with the Athenians but to engage them enough so as to make it impossible
for them to be ready for battle the following day in Athens. The Persian
infantry could withdraw to their ships and have a period of rest while
they were transported by sea to Athens. However, it is impossible to guess
exactly what was in the minds of the Persians: Herodotus is silent, since
he had no sources as to the true Persian intentions.
It is, however, possible to outline the constraints within which the
Persian plans had to be implemented. The triremes that transported the
cavalry had only about 60 oarsmen each and moved more slowly than the
triremes with the infantry which were manned by the full force of about
180 oarsmen. A regular trireme could be pushed by oars, without the help
of sails, at a speed of about 6 knots for a full day; but the speed of the
triremes with horses cannot have been better than the 3 or 4 knots which
was the average speed of ancient merchant ships. Since there are 60 marine
miles from Marathon to the Phaleron, the cavalry, having embarked after
sunset at Marathon, could not disembark at the Phaleron before the early
afternoon. Since it would take between 7 and 8 hours for the Athenian
hoplites to move from Marathon to the Phaleron, the Persians may have
calculated that they would have to keep the Athenians at Marathon until
the cavalry triremes were well underway and until the wind conditions
would be such as to enable the infantry triremes to reach the Phaleron in
about 6 hours. Vilhelm Marstrand has calculated that under pressure a
Greek trireme could do 8-9 knots; but Persian triremes may have done
better, since the accounts of Xerxes' campaign describe the Persian
triremes as faster than the Greek ones. The embarked infantry could be
used to increase the speed by manning a set of supplementary oars. Besides
the three sets of oars (about 60 oars to a set) to be used by the oarsmen
of the first, second and third level, triremes carried an extra set; some
investigators have argued that they were spares, but other investigators
have argued, quite convincingly in my opinion, that the extra oars were to
be used as a fourth level of oars to be manned in an emergency by the
embarked fighters. For these reasons it can be supposed that the Persian
triremes could achieve a speed of 9 knots for a few hours. If they had
achieved this speed they could have turned Cape Sunion in 4 hours. It can
be supposed that the Persians planned to turn Cape Sunion by an effort of
the oarsmen lasting approximately from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m., the period when
the sea is most calm, and to reach the Phaleron with the help of the wind
in two or three more hours. Even if the Athenians had arrived there at
about the same time they would have been too exhausted by a long march to
put up an effective resistance.
The Persians must have studied the ordinary pattern of the winds and
currents with care. The regimen of the winds in the southwest side of
Euboia and in the Saronic Gulf is quite different from that of the rest of
Greece, because the mountainous rib of Euboia deflects the Etesian winds,
blowing from the northern quadrant. As a result of this deflection these
winds are particularly strong to the east side of Euboia but unimportant
to the west of it. To the southwest of Euboia and in the Saronic Gulf the
winds that count are the landbreeze and the seabreeze. The landbreeze
usually begins to blow during the night and stops around dawn. The
seabreeze (called imbat by modern Greeks) begins to blow after
mid-morning and lasts up to sunset; in the area of the Saronic Gulf during
the summer months it blows briskly from the south. The Persians apparently
embarked their cavalry during the calm period after sunset and were
planning to embark the infantry in the calm period after sunrmse. If the
oarsmen by a strong effort could have taken their ships from Marathon to
Cape Sunion in the early morning period of calm, the ships with the
infantry could have been rapidly pushed by the seabreeze from Cape Sunion
to the Phaleron. The same wind would have helped the cavalry triremes that
were under way.
If the Persian plan had succeeded the Athenians would have lost all the
advantage achieved by the surprise maneuver of Miltiades who trapped the
Persians by encamping his troops in a safe place only 2 km from Persian
positions on the shore. >From the Phaleron the Persians could have started
a regular siege of Athens. It seems that at this time Athens was not
defended by a regular line of city walls. Even if the Persian fleet could
not have achieved the speed of 9 knots, the time factor was working
against the Athenians because they could not leave Marathon as long as the
Persian ships had not turned Cape Sunion, lest the Persian infantry return
to Marathon and occupy the passes between Marathon and Athens, while the
cavalry was recalled. This fact is recognized among others by Macan. It
seems, in fact, that after the victory of Marathon the Athenians waited a
number of hours before rushing back to Athens. According to Ploutarchos (On
the Glory of Athens, VIII, 350 E) the army arrived in Athens only the
day after the victory; possibly the army waited and had a rest and then
marched through the night so as to be in position near Athens at sunrise.
Because of this circumstance, one may dare to offer a conjecture on the
much-debated mystery of the light signal flashed with a shield. Herodotus
(VI 121) relates that after the Persian infantry was already at sea a
signal was flashed to Marathon from Mount Pentelikos, which is to the
southwest of Marathon; popular rumor explained this signal as intelligence
given to the Persians that the traitors within Athens were ready to act,
but Herodotus discounts this rumor. It is conceivable that the signal was
given by the Athenian lookouts in order to let their general know that the
Persian triremes with the infantry were about to turn Cape Sunion and,
hence, the Athenian hoplites could safely leave Marathon. Since after the
signal was flashed the Athenian soldiers were told to rush back to save
their city, the notion could easily have developed in their minds that the
signals indicated that Athens was imperilled by traitors.
The Persian plans were intelligently and carefully conceived, as they
usually were, but they were foiled by the genius of Miltiades who followed
the military maxim pour les vaincre il faut de l'audace, encore de
l'audace, toujours de l'audace. The Persians knew that after the
withdrawal of the cavalry they were exposed to an Athenian attack, but
they must have calculated that if this attack was launched they could
embark their infantry and sail off before the Athenians reached the shore.
At a normal pace it would take about 15 or 20 minutes for the Athenian
hoplite formation to advance the interval of more than a mile that
separated the opposing forces. Since the Persians were aligned in front of
their ships they could have embarked in this period of time. Even after
they were compelled to enter into a fight and lost it, they succeeded in
embarking most of their men with the Athenians hard upon them. On each
side of a trireme there ran a gangplank placed on top of the outriggers of
the oars, a gangplank on which the marines took their stations during
naval combat; 50 men on each side could have easily been standing on this
It was by the unorthodox maneuver of letting the hoplite formation run
towards the enemy that Miltiades foiled the Persians. The Persians were
surprised by it and considered it insane (VI 112). Those who want to
discredit the account of Herodotus must insist that it is not true that
the Athenians raced about a mile for the enemy. This contention was
advanced first by Hans Delbrueck (56) and has been frequently repeated up
to the recent work of Hammond. Some writers, like Johannes Kromayer, claim
that by dromos Herodotus does not mean a running, but a march at
double speed; this contention is repeated in the recent essay of
Schachermeyr. But whether we believe Herodotus or more charitably we give
an unusual meaning to his words, the basis of the argument is Delbrueck's
assertion that a Greek hoplite formation could not have run more than 120
to 150 meters (instead of the 1500 mentioned by Herodotus) "without
completely exhausting their forces and falling into disorder." According
to Delbrueck the Greek hoplites could not perform what Italian
bersaglieri do on every parade. The argument of Delbrueck received so
much support that Hauvette felt the need to quote the experience of French
military authorities to the effect that trained soldiers in formation with
full pack and arms can run for much more than a mile. But De Sanctis
replied that the soldiers of our modern armies are healthier and better
trained than those of the Greek armies. Those who follow Delbrueck imply
that the Greeks, far from being athletes of the body and of the mind, were
soft not only in their brains, but also in their muscles.
Herodotus indicates that it was the time factor that defeated the
Persians; the battle of Marathon was a victory not so much because it
inflicted a loss of about 6400 men on the Persians, but because "it lasted
a long time" (VI 113). The Persians suffered heavy losses which included
their best fighters, but were able to launch almost all their triremes
with a major part of their infantry; the Athenians got hold only of 7
triremes by wading into the sea. Perhaps most of the 6400 Persians who
died were deliberately sacrificed as rearguard, as the Persians did on
other occasions. When the Persians could leave it was too late in the day;
probably the seabreeze was blowing against them in their navigation to
Cape Sunion. The result was that the Persians were not ready to land at
the Phaleron before the following morning. The victors of Marathon were
given a few hours' rest and then made to march back to Athens, so that at
dawn of the following day they were ready for battle outside the city at
the foot of Mount Lykabettos (VI 116) on the road that leads to the
Phaleron. Here again the Athenians had chosen a ground where the Persian
cavalry could not be used against them.
The Persians had no other choice but to call off the operations against
Attika, and to return to Ionia, taking along as the only token of victory
the male citizens of Eretria who later were sent to the capital of Susa
and made to settle near it.
The Persians had several reasons for calling off their plan of attack
against Athens: they could no longer hope to achieve an unimpeded landing
in Attika; furthermore, the column of 2000 Spartans was expected and
arrived in Athens on the evening after the battle of Marathon, the
supporters of Hippias within Athens had not revealed themselves by any
positive action, and the end of the military season was approaching, since
the battle of Marathon was fought on September 12.
Herodotus' narrative, far from being chaotic and senseless, is built
around a numerical frame of reference, as is his practice. The numerical
frame of reference in this case is provided by the number of the days
between the events. Boeckh, who through his studies has stressed the
fundamental importance of numerical concepts in Greek thinking, in 1816
devoted an essay to this problem. From Herodotus we gather that the
Persians landed at Marathon on the 7th day of the lunar month; on the same
day the Athenians sent to Sparta a runner who arrived there in two days.
On the 9th day the Spartans gave their reply to the Athenian call for aid,
stating that their forces would leave only on the 16th, after the full
moon. Herodotus (VI 106) relates that the Spartans could not leave because
of a religious festival which proves to be that of Apollo Karneios
celebrated from the 7th to the 15th day of the month.
Writing in 1951, Schachermeyr expressed his surprise that interpreters
have not considered the "evident" fact that the Persians must have landed
on the 7th day because they knew that from that day the Spartans could not
come to the assistance of the Athenians. (57)
Schachermeyr was right in his surprise, but failed to notice that
Herodotus states the fact. After having told the story of the Athenian
messenger and of Spartan reply, he shifts the narrative to the landing at
Marathon. In a single sentence he relates that the Spartans were waiting
for the full moon and that the Persians landed at Marathon "having waited
for a few days" (VI 106). The Persians probably hoped that the lack of
Spartan support would demoralize the Athenians.
It is said that Herodotus' statement that the Athenians sent a message to
Sparta only after the Persian landing is absurd. But the Persians were
engaged in a new kind of warfare, what we call an amphibious operation,
and up to that moment the Athenians could not have guessed what they were
up against. Herodotus reports that the people of Eretria became aware of
the Persian plans against them only after the enemy had landed on their
island (VI 100).
But on the 7th day the Athenians sent a messenger to Sparta and decided to
march out to Athens to pin down the Persians at Marathon. Perhaps the
messenger had the purpose of informing the Spartans of the military
situation and of the golden opportunity that offered itself. Certainly the
Athenians were aware of Spartan customs, but they may have hoped that
given the circumstances the Spartans would deviate from their traditional
rigidity in obeying their laws. If the Athenians had withdrawn within the
gates of their city and the Persians had started a siege, the Spartan help
could have been effective even later; but the situation was different
since it was necessary to have all possible men facing the beach at
Marathon. The Athenians mobilized all possible forces offering full
citizenship to the slaves who would enlist, since there was a possibility
to massacre the Persian army.
It is clear why the Persians departed from the beach of Marathon not later
than the 17th day, since the Spartan reinforcements were expected to
arrive in Athens on the evening of the 18th day. But it is not clear why
they waited up to that day. Probably they decided to wait for a full moon
night, since they had to embark the cavalry at night. Once the full moon
period came they kept waiting for favorable weather conditions at sea and
they waited up to the 17th day when it was not possible to delay any
The narrative of Herodotus indicates that the Persians, far from operating
with the alleged Oriental thoughtlessness, followed highly prepared staff
plans and, in fact, were hampered by a certain rigidity of execution. Once
the prosecution of the intended plan did not prove possible, they
abandoned it entirely.
As far as Athens was concerned, the Persians had taken a chance and
failed, and having failed accepted their losses without trying further
moves. The Persians must have counted on such uncertain factors as a
favorable wind for their navigation from Marathon to the Athenian harbor
of Phaleron, but the Persian strategy was reasonably based on taking big
chances because this is the correct game strategy for the party that has a
large bank. In relation to the campaign that ended at Salamis ten years
later, Herodotus presents king Xerxes as stating that he was willing to
try a strategy in which the probabilities of winning were against him. One
of the main ideas of Thukydides in his narrative of the Peloponnesian War
is that in order to win in war one must have a large bank and be willing
to gamble it.
Herodotus is judged an incompetent historian for not stating how many
Persians fought at Marathon, although he states that about 6400 were
counted as dead on the battlefield. But he who is accused of freely
inventing figures, did not provide the data he did not have from reliable
About one hundred years after the events Plato wrote the dialogue
Menexenos which contains a parody of the speeches that were usually
delivered to celebrate the glory of Athens. In this context it is stated
(240 A) that King Darius sent "fifty myriads on triremes and transports
and three hundred triremes." Although Plato in his work wants to call to
attention the lack of precise and orderly thinking in rhetoricians, these
figures are not worthless. The figure of 300 triremes is significant,
because the Persians cannot have left the triremes that were beached at
Marathon exposed to a surprise attack by enemy ships. As in the case of
the following campaign of King Xerxes, the Persians must have divided
their 600 triremes into two halves: 300 were engaged as landing craft for
the infantry, while the other 300 were the truly fighting ships that
operated as a protecting screen. Probably, while 300 triremes were on the
beach at Marathon, the other 300 were on guard on the opposite shore along
the island of Euboia. Herodotus (VI 115) reports that when the Persian
ships left Marathon after the battle, they stopped at Aigialea to pick up
the Eretrian prisoners; since speed was important for the triremes that
left Marathon with the infantry, this must be an imprecision. More likely
it was the transport ships that, upon leaving Marathon with the triremes
of the cavalry, took the prisoners on board and left Aigialea accompanied
by the 300 fighting triremes as escort. In relation to the Athenian force
of 100 triremes that was sent against Syracuse, Thukydides (VI 31, 43)
states that, although it was all fit for naval combat, it was divided into
60 "fast triremes" and 40 triremes carrying 100 hoplites each. It follows
that triremes with 100 infantry on board were not considered in the best
condition for fighting; for a similar reason triremes tried to deposit on
a safe point on the shore their sails and masts when combat was considered
The figure of 500,000 men is not entirely preposterous since 600 triremes
require a crew of 120,000 men. Most likely the 300 triremes that were
intended to be used as landing craft carried 100 infantry men each, making
a total of three myriads. The other 300 triremes may have had the usual
complement of about 30 marines who altogether made another myriad. If the
infantry force was 30,000 men, according to the table of organization of
the Persian army the cavalry should have been 5,000 horsemen, but possibly
the number was reduced for an amphibious operation. A trireme could
transport 30 horses, so that 170 triremes with crews of some 15,000 men
would have been required to carry 5,000 horses. Possibly the relation 6:1
between infantry and cavalry was applied to the triremes. There may have
been 100 triremes with 3,000 horses, since the Persian navy was organized
by squadrons of 100 triremes. There were also strong contingents of
archers and slingers. All these men and horses required a complex system
of supplies, since on triremes every inch of space was occupied by the men
and even food could not be stored except for what was sufficient for a few
days. The Athenian force that went to Sicily in 415 BCE, which consisted
altogether of 134 triremes, including those contributed by the allies,
carried 5,100 hoplites with 700 slingers, 480 archers and 120 lightly
armed soldiers, plus 300 horsemen with their horses on specially adapted
triremes. This force that would have been small by Persian standards
required a train of 30 heavy merchant ships plus 100 regular merchant
ships, accompanied by many other heavy and regular merchant ships
belonging to the professional suppliers who followed the armed forces on
their own initiative (Thuk. VI 44). Hence, it is credible that almost half
a million men were involved in the expedition that went to Marathon.
The figure of 300 Persian triremes at Marathon agrees with Herodotus'
statement that the entire Persian navy counted 600 triremes.
Herodotus indicates only that the Persian infantry at Marathon was larger
than the Athenian, but there is an epigram that seems to have been written
by the poet Simonides who lived in Athens shortly after the battle of
Marathon, which reads:
"The Athenians fighting for the Greeks at Marathon,
Slew nine myriads of Medes."
great expert on Greek lyric poetry, Theodor Bergk, suggested that the word
"slew" (ekteinan) be amended to "put to flight" (eklinan).
Critical historians found fault with Bergk's correction of this text
because it would have made it agree with Herodotus' account and made it
appear sensible. But Bergk was vindicated when in 1933 there was
discovered the mentioned official epigram about the battle of Marathon,
which contains the verb eklinw. The success of the Athenians at
Marathon was not that they were able to engage in a great land battle with
the Persians and won, but, first, that they were able to stop the Persian
plan to use Marathon as a base for raids on Athenian territory and,
second, that they were able to force the Persians to withdraw (eklinan).
By the manoeuvre of the dromos the Athenians were able to cause the
Persians to suffer substantial losses and then to withdraw with such a
delay that they could no longer try the landing at the Phaleron.
Scholars criticize Herodotus for not describing the battle of Marathon in
the same manner in which he describes the battle of Plataia for which he
lists with care the number of the participants on both sides. But here
Herodotus is criticized for being a good historian. After the great land
battle of Plataia in 480 BCE, which was mainly a Spartan victory even
though Athenians participated in it, patriotic Athenians tried to magnify
their victory at Marathon into another great land battle in order to prove
that Athens had not done less than Sparta in defeating the Persians in
land battles. But Herodotus did not fall for this distortion of the
record. How Herodotus interpreted the event is indicated by Plutarch in
his essay On the Malignity of Herodotus (XXVII, 862 D), in which he
accused Herodotus of having reduced Marathon to "a brief strike against
the disembarked Barbarians." Plutarch overstates what is Herodotus'
disagreement from Athenians patriotic historians, but his interpretation
of what Herodotus said is on the main correct.
The figure of the men engaged at Marathon was not preserved because at the
moment of the battle this was not particularly important; it was the
nature, the location, and the timing of the operations that proved
decisive. The author of the epigram said to be by Simonides did not have
any datum to reckon by except the figure of 300 triremes mentioned also by
Plato. If there were 300 triremes on the beach at Marathon, then crews
would have been 60,000 men and the landed infantry could be computed as
100 soldiers to each trireme. All these men were encamped on the shore and
were forced to a hasty flight. Hence, the battle of Marathon forced 90,000
men to withdraw from the soil of Attika.
All other figures reported by ancient authors have the same origin. There
was established in Athens the tradition that at Marathon the Athenians
fought against a force that was tenfold their own. Hence, from the figure
of 90,000 men mentioned by the epigram there was derived the notion that
the Athenian hoplites that went to Marathon were 9,000. This would have
been all the hoplites that Athens could align, since at the battle of
Plataia ten years later the Athenian hoplites were 8,000. Hence the figure
of 9,000 hoplites is not an unreasonable one. It was further reported that
the Athenians were joined at Marathon by a force of 1,000 hoplites sent by
the neighboring city of Plataia. Some authors catalogued the figure by
taking the total of 10,000 as the number of the Athenians and adding to
this figure the 1,000 Plataians. By calculating from this figure of 10,000
Athenians and assuming that the relation between the opposing forces was
1:10, Cornelius Nepos, quoting the historian Ephoros, states that the
Persian fighters were 100,000. The Persian cavalry is reckoned by
Cornelius Nepos as 10,000 since this would be a normal ratio of cavalry to
infantry by Greek standards. It can be concluded that there were no
sources of information that were neglected by Herodotus; other writers
simply guessed starting from the figure of 300 triremes that is implied in
Herodotus' account. The Athenians who were encamped above the plain of
Marathon must have seen on the morning of the 17th day of the lunar month
that three Persian squadrons of about 100 triremes each were left facing
them. The distribution of the fleet into three squadrons corresponded to
the distribution of the infantry into a center and two wings.
If one wants to find fault with Herodotus, the only point in which he can
be said to have been inaccurate is in having failed to mention the
embarcation of the Persian cavalry which is recorded in another text. But
one can undestand why he was silent on this point. According to the
Athenian political system each of the ten generals in rotation was supreme
commander for a day; Miltiades was supreme commander on the 7th day of the
month, the day on which it was decided on his proposal to meet the
Persians outside the gates of Athens. He was again the supreme commander
on the 17th day, when the Persians were about to leave the shore of
Marathon; this gave him the chance to order the famous race for the shore.
Herodotus (VI 109) states that even before that day the other generals had
been convinced by Miltiades that the Athenians should attack, and that
each one of them had voluntarily conceded to him the position of supreme
commander. This is very plausible, since from the very beginning the
generals must have agreed to attack the Persians if they tried to move
from Marathon. But Herodotus adds that although Miltiades was given the
right to lead the attack when he chose, he waited for the day that was his
official day of supreme command (VI 110). Miltiades would not have been
the great general honored for his ability by Greeks and Romans if he had
reached a fatal decision on such principle.
Probably Herodotus gave credence to a story concocted by Miltiades'
enemies who after the battle of Marathon brought him to trial under the
charge of having conducted as if it were his personal enterprise the
expedition against the island of Paros, which the Athenians attacked the
year after the battle of Marathon because it had given assistance to the
Persians. Without questioning them, Herodotus (VI 132, 133) repeats in
full detail the absurd charges made against Miltiades on that occasion. As
Herodotus (VI 132) states, "after the blow given to the Persians at
Marathon, the prestige of Miltiades in Athens, which had been great,
increased even more." A democratic society like Athens could not tolerate
this level of personal eminence and Miltiades was slandered and brought to
trial as an unpatriotic egotist. Since Herodotus accepted a version of the
events by which the departure of the Persian cavalry could not have
determined Miltiades' final order, he remained silent on this point. It
could be also that Herodotus accepted a biased version of the events
because it reduced the importance of chance, something that historians are
forced by profession to try to explain away. Miltiades was given supreme
command on the 7th day because the proposal to face the Persians at their
landing place was his; the Persians decided to depart on the 17th day
because this was the last day before the expected arrival of the Spartans,
and it was by chance that on that day it was again Miltiades' turn to be
the supreme commander. As Napoleon said, to be a good general it faut
de la veine.
J. B. Bury, "The Battle of Marathon," Classical Review X (1896), p. 98.
Herodotus, Vol. II, p. 155.
H. G. L. Hammond, "The Campaign and the Battle of Marathon," in Studies in Greek History (Oxford, 1973), p. 215, 246-248. C. Hignett also says that "once the hoplites came to close quarters, this cavalry would be of no use." Xerxes' Invasion of Greece (Oxford, 1963).
J. A. R. Munro in The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. IV (1926), pp. 229ff.
Drei Schlachten aus dem griech.-roem. Altertum, Abh. d. phil.-hist. Klasse d. Saechs. Akad. 34 (1921).
Geschichte der Kriegerkunst I (Berlin, 1920), p. 63.
Kromayer and Delbrueck have been followed by E. Meyer (Geschichte des Altertums IV.1.31f. [4th ed., Stuttgart, 1944]) and De Sanctis Rivista di Filologia 53 [1925], p. 120).
E. Curtius, Griechische Geschichte (1888); J. A. R. Munro, "The Campaign of Marathon," The Journal of Hellenic Studies XIX (1899); G. B. Grundy, The Great Persian War (London, 1901); W. K. Pritchett, "Marathon," University of California Publications in Classical Archaeology IV. 2 (Berkeley, 1960); A. R. Burn, Persia and the Greeks (London, 1962).
Herodote, historien des guerres mediques, p. 266.
"Two Monuments Erected After the Victory of Marathon," American Journal of Archaeology 44 (1940), pp. 58f.
Arnold W. Gomme, "Herodotus and Marathon," Phoenix VI (1952), p. 77, reprinted in More Essays in Greek History and Literature, edited by David A. Campbell (Oxford, 1962).
Ibid. p. 83.
Delbrueck, op. cit., pp. 56, 60; Cf. W. W. How and J. Wells, A Commentary on Herodotus, (Oxford, 1912), Vol. II, p. 112; C. Hignett, Xerxes' Invasion of Greece (Oxford, 1963), p. 62.
F. Schachermeyr, "Marathon und die persische Politik," Historische Zeitschrift 172 (1951).
The Size of Persian Army
method advocated by Niebuhr became generally accepted by ancient
historians, but they hesitated in accepting his specific conclusions about
the true nature of the events of 480 and 479 BCE, because this would have
meant questioning not only Herodotus' ability to judge reality, but that
of all the Greeks. It was only after Gobineau formulated his theory about
the intrinsic difference in the mental endowment of the several human
races that critical historians dared to agree with Niebuhr on this
specific issue. On the matter of quantification, Niebuhr and the critical
historians begged the question: Herodotus was unscientific and hence used
numbers at random.
In 1862 Gobineau wrote from Persia to his daughter: "As to the Greeks, you
can have them, one and all, except for Pythagoras," and, in 1867, in a
letter from Athens he declared that the ancient accounts of the battles of
Marathon, Salamis, and Plataia "are no more true than the heroism of
Miltiades and the honesty of Themistokles, a bandit and a scoundrel!"
Gobineau was perfectly clear-minded and completely honest about the aims
of his scholarship; he saw that if, by destroying the authority of
numbers, the Scythian campaign of King Darius could be reduced to a
"perplexing dream," the same could be accomplished with the accounts of
the Greek campaign of King Xerxes. Thereby, not only Herodotus, but all
the Greeks would be convicted as liars, and the entire value of Greek
civilization would be put in question.
The Greeks considered their successful resistance against the might of
Persia as the best evidence of the worth of their greatest cultural
achievement: Greek paideia had created a personality type such that, when
the Greeks found themselves confronted with the greatest military force
ever mobilized up to that time, they did not lose heart, because they were
convinced that as individuals they were physically and intellectually
superior to any enemy.
The best expression of this spirit was the resistance of King Leonidas of
Sparta and his band of braves at Thermopylai. Shortly after the event, the
poet Simonides wrote for them this epitaph:
Here four thousand from the Peloponnese Once fought three thousand thousands.
Simonides did not mean that Leonidas and his men actually fought three
million soldiers, because indeed at the end only three hundred Spartans
remained to resist the Persians unto death, but that Greece's finest hour
was when, confronted with invading forces amounting altogether to about
three million, it did not panic or surrender, even though the active
resistance on land had to be limited to such relatively puny efforts as
the episode of Thermopylai. Some Greek cities, such as Thebes, capitulated
before the Persian invaders, but others, among which were the leading
cities of Athens and Sparta, remained convinced that with courage and
careful rational planning they had a chance of preserving their
independence. The very size of the Persian effort proved to them that the
enemy was engaged in a desperate gamble so that, if the Greeks were
willing to risk total destruction, they could count on favorable
probabilities. The element of extreme daring in taking a calculated risk
is emphasized also by Thukydides (I 73, 144) in his references to the
Greek strategy in this war.
The tragedy Persians, written by Aischylos, a participant in the war, and
put on the stage by young Perikles eight years after the events, presents
the Greeks as that kind of people who did not flinch when their small city
states were swept by "a great flood of humans" similar to "a wave of the
sea that cannot be contained by the most solid dikes" (lines 87-90). The
whole of Asia had been emptied and brought to Europe (548-550). "The rash
ruler of populous Asia pushes a human herd to the conquest of the entire
world" (73-75). When the defeat of the navy forced King Xerxes to withdraw
his army, the retreat turned into such a disaster that it destroyed entire
nations (729-732).
In the same spirit Herodotus centered his narrative on the size of the
Persian forces, which amounted to millions. His figures, except for one
point on which he must be corrected, agree with those provided by other
Greek writers. Herodotus had a specific reason as an historian to put the
main emphasis on the size of the Persian forces: as in the Scythian
campaign it was the geographical distances that proved to be the decisive
factor, so in the Greek campaign it was the numerical strength of the
Persian army and navy that influenced most the dynamics of the events.
Herodotus reports that the King of Persia, after he had brought his army
from Asia to Europe on two pontoon bridges thrown across the sea at the
Hellespont, proceeded to a muster of the army and the navy at Doriskos,
near the present Greco-Anatolian frontier. Herodotus uses the narrative of
this muster in order to list and describe in detail all the contingents
that composed this army drawn from 46 nationalities (VII 59-88). The
infantry would have been counted by letting the men pack completely a
precinct that could hold 10,000 men; since the precinct was filled 170
times, the infantry would have consisted of 1,700,000 soldiers (VII 60).
This counting by units of 10,000 is mentioned also by Aischylos (line
981). Herodotus reckons that since for each combatant there was at least
one non-combatant camp-follower or supply man, the total of the army on
foot must have been about 3,400,000 men. But since other Greek sources
estimate the effectives of the Persian army around 700,000 or 800,000
soldiers, Herodotus must have been guilty of error: the figure of
1,700,000 must have included the non-combatants. Herodotus estimates that
the cavalry amounted to about 80,000 horsemen plus 20,000 men mounted on
camels or chariots (VI 84). Later the Persian forces were joined by men
provided by the European allies in an amount that Herodotus guesses might
have been 300,000 (VIII 85).
When Gobineau questioned the figures cited by Herodotus and other ancient
writers, (58) he submitted a solid argument that was accepted by Macan and
fully developed by J. A. R. Munro in 1902. (59)
There seems to be a contradiction between the number of men under the
command of the Persian officers and the ranks of these officers; if the
ranks and the titles are considered, the Persian army appears to have
included only 300,000 infantry and 60,000 cavalry. In my opinion, the
normal strength of the Persian army and navy had been doubled by King
Xerxes for that particular campaign, keeping the usual hierarchical
structure but doubling the number of men and ships under the command of
the high officers, who were all Persian.
Gobineau thought that he had made a laughing stock of the Greeks by
proving that in calculating the size of the Persian army Herodotus had
exaggerated almost four times and the other Greek writers two times. But
the climate of opinion was changing rapidly among the scholars of ancient
history. When in 1895 Macan published the first of his five volumes on
Herodotus he thought of himself as a radical critic, but by the time he
published the last volume in 1908 he found himself to be holding a rather
moderate position. When in 1901 G. B. Grundy estimated the size of Xerxes'
army at "several hundred thousands" he was expressing an old-fashioned
view. He justified himself by declaring: "The tendency which is sometimes
displayed to belittle the Persia of this time, is in violent disagreement
with such evidence as is extant." (60)
For historians of the critical school, the theories of Gobineau about the
ancient mind became undisputed truth, so that they could carry them to
their full implications. In 1887 Hans Delbrueck stated that the army of
Xerxes must have included 55,000 fighting men at the most. (61)
Later he was so encouraged by the praise bestowed upon him as a pioneer by
Eduard Meyer (62) and Beloch, that he reduced the maximum to 25,000,
adding that the correct figure probably was between 15,000 and 20,000.
Delbrueck was a military historian, yet his argument is not grounded on
technical considerations, but on psychological ones. He observes that
Herodotus could have derived his information either from oral sources or
from official Persian records. Oral sources were totally untrustworthy in
matters of figures; furthermore, the eyewitnesses were all dead at the
time of Herodotus (about forty years after the events). Oriental military
annals were totally false when they dealt with figures; a proof of this is
that Herodotus drew from Persian official inscriptions the allegedly
preposterous figure of 700,000 men for the Persian army that marched
against Scythia.
Eduard Meyer disposed of the textual evidence by declaring: "There is no
need to explain that all these figures are absurd"; the maximum figure for
the Persian army at Doriskos should be 100,000 combatants plus an equal
amount of train. (64)
De Sanctis called Herodotus' figures "laughable" and set the maximum at
100,000 men. Ernst Obst, in a special monograph, estimated the maximum of
the combatants at 90,000. (65)
Beloch set the figure at 60,000 and W. W. Tarn concurred. (66)
J. B. Bury, who belonged to an older generation and had not entirely
accepted the new approach, settled for 180,000, half of the figure
calculated by Gobineau, Macan, and Munro. (67)
Robert Cohen, in reviewing the several current opinions, draws the line at
estimates that made the Persian army smaller than the lowest possible
estimate of the opposing Greek forces; he doubts the maximum of 40,000
Persian fighting men set by Robert von Fischer. (68)
In conclusion, since the beginning of this century there has been among
scholars a substantial agreement to the effect that the army that King
Xerxes brought across the Hellespont for the invasion of Greece numbered
between 50,000 and 100,000 combatants.
Among the more recent writers I may quote Giulio Giannelli who declares
that the Persian land force may have amounted at most to 300,000 men
including the unarmed service men, (69)
Ulrich Wilcken who believes that the fighters were about 100,000, (70) and
Helmut Berve who believes that they were over 100,000 when King Xerxes
moved from the concentration point in Asia. (71)
Xenophon, who had direct knowledge of the Persian Empire and its army,
believed that Xerxes had come to Greece with "an innumerable army"
(Anabasis III, 2). Xenophon thought that he was describing a memorable
feat when he explained how under his leadership a band of 10,000
first-rate Greek soldiers were able, in spite of the Persian army, to
withdraw from the heart of the Persian Empire. He would have written a
more important work if he had explained how King Xerxes came to Greece
with a force that militarily was not much superior to Xenophon's
companions, since the average member of the Persian army was an
indifferent soldier compared to the perfectly drilled Greek athletes, and
was able to get out of Greece alive. If it is true that the Persian army
consisted of something between 50,000 and 100,000 fighting men, it follows
not only that the Greeks were a nation of liars or dreamers, but also that
the actions of the Greeks and of the Persians were totally irrational. One
must wonder why the Persians should have sent by land an army that could
have been easily transported on ships; why should the fleet have followed
the army along the coast step by step for five months, suffering great
losses because of storms; why should the Greeks have avoided any major
military engagement on land for almost two years; why should the Athenians
have abandoned their city to the Persians, allowing them to destroy it and
massacre the poorer citizens who did not have the means to seek refuge
abroad; why should the coalized Greeks have decided that the only possible
strategy consisted of abandoning the country to the enemy, while trying to
defend the line of the Isthmus of Corinth.
Herodotus (VII 22) relates that in preparation for his campaign King
Xerxes sent crews of workmen drawn from the several provinces of the
Persian Empire to cut a canal twelve stadia long across the promontory of
Mount Athos. According to Herodotus it was so wide that two triremes could
row through it abreast (VII 24); according to Demetrios of Skepsis (Strabo
VII 35) it was a plethron, or 100 feet, wide. By the reports of our
contemporaries who have examined the traces of it, the cut reached as much
as "sixty feet below the natural surface of the ground, which at its
highest point rises only fifty-one feet above sea-level." (72)
On this basis it can be calculted that the excavation of the canal would
have required the digging and disposing of roughly 2 million cubic meters
of earth, which must have taken up at least 10 million working days. Since
the canal was finished in about three years, at the minimum 10,000 men
must have been steadily engaged in the digging, assuming that there were
not stones to be removed and rock to be cut. Other men were engaged in
constructing protective dikes at the two entrances into the canal. The
crews were so large that grain had to be brought from Asia.
Since Herodotus (VI 33-36) provides the most precise technical details,
nobody has questioned the truth of the statement that King Xerxes, in
order to bring his army from Asia to Europe, caused two bridges to be
built across the sea at Hellespont. The bridges consisted of 360 and 316
triremes and penteconters tied together by cables that had been especially
prepared in Egypt and Phoenicia. This was an extremely risky operation
since a storm could have completely wrecked the fleet of ships tied
together by the cables and by a causeway; in fact, a storm had broken up
the bridges before the crossing of the army had started. According to the
historians of the critical school, these bridges would have been in use
for only a few hours. Von Fischer calculates that at most they could have
been used for nine hours a day on two successive days. Bury, since he took
a moderate position and ascribed 180,000 fighting men to the Persian army,
estimated that the crossing was completed in two days.
Very few scholars deny that the Persian fleet disposed of at least 600
triremes plus other warships and transports. Since a trireme could remain
fit for action with 100 soldiers on board and could transport up to 300
passengers, a fleet of 600 triremes could have easily carried 60,000
soldiers with their supplies directly from Asia Minor to Attika. This is
what was done in the case of the Persian landing at Marathon ten years
earlier. In 480 BCE the construction of two bridges across the sea at the
Hellespont would have been a pointless gesture if the Persian army had
been a force of 100,000 men or less.
In my opinion, one bridge was built across the straits in the case of the
invasion of Scythia, but two were built for the invasion of Greece because
the army had been doubled. One bridge was used for the fighting men and
the other for the train (VII 55); they were used for seven days and seven
nights (VII 56). In 1882 Max Duncker calculated, by the experience of the
German army of his time, that an organized military force can cross a
pontoon bridge ten feet wide in the number of 100,000 men in a day. He
assumed that the bridges over the Hellespont were moderately used at night
since usually the Persian army moved only in the daytime. I suggest that
the nights may have been used to bring up stragglers and to clear the
bridgeheads as as to avoid bottlenecks.
The time spent in advancing the 1000 km. that separate the Hellespont from
Attika was such that the Persian army, which had left Sardis early in the
year, was ready to move beyond Athens only around September 20, at the
very end of the season for military operations. According to Herodotus
(VII 115), the crossing of the Hellespont (probably including the
regrouping and muster at Doriskos) took a month, most likely part of April
and part of May. Athens was reached three months later, advancing the army
about 10 km. a day, (VII 115), but it took one month more to bring up to
Athens all the forces and to regroup them. This delay compromised the
entire campaign. The few days gained by the Greeks through the resistance
at the Thermopylai combined with a contemporaneous naval action at
Artemision, proved most valuable given the lateness of the season. If the
Greeks had not reckoned that the time factor was essential, the desperate
resistance at the Thermopylai would have been a theatrical gesture. Much
can be imputed to Oriental sloth, but even the puritanical Old Testament
does not give any indication that Persian kings and their generals spent
their time feasting and carousing. The delay can be explained only by the
size of the Persian forces.
If the figures given by Herodotus are condemned as an irresponsible
invention, the value of the rest of his work must be placed in doubt, and
his competence as a historian brought into question. For instance, J. B.
Bury, who was among the more moderate of Herodotus' critics, concludes his
essay on Herodotus with the following assessment:
He was in certain ways so lacking in common sense that parts of his work might seem to have been written by a precocious child. He undertook to write the history of a great war; but he did not possess the most elementary knowledge of the conditions of warfare. His fantastic statement of the impossible numbers of the army of Xerxes exhibits an incompetence which is almost incredible and is alone enough to stamp Herodotus as more of an epic poet than a historian. It matters not whether he worked out the arithmetic for himself or accepted it entirely on authority; this is a case in which to accept is as heinous as to invent. Heinous for a historian; and if we judge Herodotus by the lowest standard as a historian of war, this case invalidates his claim to competence. (73)
testimony of Herodotus is dismissed on account of his prelogical
mentality, but there remains to be explained how a man with such a mind
could invent a detailed presentation of a military plan of action that is
perfectly rational and would satisfy any expert of logistics. Herodotus
(VI 20) explains how the campaign began to be prepared four years in
advance. King Xerxes would have spent one more year (481 BCE) in bringing
up his forces from Susa to Sardis, where he spent the winter. Supply dumps
for food and fodder were established to the north of the Greek mainland
long before the beginning of the operations; "for the dumps the most
convenient sites were chosen after a survey, the provisions being brought
from many different parts of Asia by a relay of transport ships and ferry
barges" (VII 25). After grain deposits were established, inhabitants of
the sites along the route to be followed by the army were employed for
months to grind the grain into flour. The preparations made by the King's
officers along the route included the buying and fattening of the herds of
cattle, and there were even set up coops for poultry (VII 119).
According to Herodotus it was the very size of the Persian army that
caused its collapse. The King initiated a disastrous retreat without ever
having met a major Greek military force on land. Aischylos too stresses
that it was the land itself, meaning the supply problem, that was the main
enemy of the Persian army (line 792). The enterprise of Xerxes could be
the subject of a tragedy because the doom was caused by his own actions.
"Rash Xerxes, emptying the entire expanse of our continent" (718); he is
called "rash" again on line 754. He was rash because he tried a gamble in
which the chances were against him (346). Towards the end of the tragedy
the ghost of King Darius appears to draw the lesson of the disaster: to
the question, "What course of action is the best for the Persian nation
after these developments?" (788-789), he answers that there is no
alternative but to abandon the effort to conquer Greece because the land
itself is an ally of Greece. This is the political conclusion that
Perikles wanted to stress, since he hoped to convince both the Athenians
and the Persians to follow a policy of reconciliation since neither side
had reason to be afraid of the other. This conclusion agrees point by
point with the interpretation of the strategy that Herodotus (VII 46-52)
presents in the form of a conversation between King Xerxes and Artabanos
at the crossing of the Hellespont when the latter was appointed regent
while the King was in Europe. It is not that Xerxes followed an irrational
strategy, but that, in order to succeed in an almost impossible
enterprise, he tried a strategy that could have succeeded only by a series
of favorable outcomes of chance events. However, at the end of Aischylos'
tragedy, King Xerxes stresses that the extent of the disaster that
followed the failure of the campaign was unpredictable and the chorus
agrees with him that it was "an unexpected disaster" (1005). The poet
underscores this interpretation when he points out that "winter began
precociously" during the retreat (496).
According to Herodotus, the King had concluded that it was necessary for
the national survival of Persia to destroy the power of Athens and Sparta;
the course of history, as yet unknown in Herodotus' time, proved that the
King was right. According to Herodotus, the King knew quite well that he
was engaging in a risky enterprise, but decided that the gamble was
reasonable if there was a chance whatsoever of success (VII 10, 50). King
Xerxes was a rational ruler who decided that all the resources of his
empire had to be engaged in a calculated risk, since the very existence of
that empire was at stake. The King had in mind not only the support given
by the Greek mainland to the revolt of his Greek subjects of Asia Minor
and the humiliation suffered by the Persian army at Marathon in 490 BCE,
but probably most of all the support given by the Greeks to the revolt of
Egypt, a key province of the imperial system. Preparations for the Greek
campaign were initiated immediately after the end of the campaign for the
pacification of Egypt (VII 8). At that moment the King would have said,
"All we possess will pass to the Greeks or all they possess will pass to
us" (VII 12). It is currently assumed that Herodotus was totally ignorant
of what is called philosophy of history, whereas here he predicted
correctly history's future course. The Kings of Persia as well as the
Greeks foresaw what finally took place about a century and a half later:
if the Persian universal empire could not subdue the Greeks of the
mainland, a Greek universal empire would replace it. Even before the start
of the Persian Wars Aristagoras with the help of a map had tried to
convince the Spartans of this possibility. The situation was summed up by
Aischylos, a participant in the battle of Salamis, when he presented
Xerxes as uttering the eloquent line (405):
nun uper pantwn agwn
"everything is at stake in the present fight"
my opinion, the King decided to double the normal table of organization of
the Persian army, which was 300,000 infantry and 50,000 cavalry, plus
about one non-combatant for each combatant. This would explain the figures
of Herodotus and the figures provided by other Greek writers. The apparent
contradictions noticed by Gobineau between the titles of the Persian
officers and the number of men under their command would be resolved. In
the case of the cavalry, the Persians did not succeed in filling up the
intended strength, so that they brought to Greece 20,000 men mounted on
camels and on chariots whose usefulness in that land was most dubious. The
mobilization of the Persian army from Thrakia to Arabia and from India to
Egypt was such a complex operation that of necessity it had to take a
certain bureaucratic rigidity.
There are indications in Herodotus that the doubling of the army and of
the fleet was an idea of the King, and that it was opposed by his uncle
Artabanos, the brother of the late king Darius, and Xerxes' main military
advisor. When the King was about to cross the Dardanelles, Artabanos
stated that nobody could find fault with the size of the King's army and
navy and that if the King insisted on increasing his forces, the land and
the sea would become his enemies (VII 49); but the King replied that the
greatest possible forces had to be risked if there was a possibility of
success (VII 50). Apparently Artabanos was asking the King to cross into
Europe with only the normal Persian force. Herodotus tells an anecdote to
the effect that after an inhabitant of the area had exclaimed, addressing
Xerxes: "Why, O god, have you assumed the shape of a Persian and assumed
the name of Xerxes, in order to lead the human race to the conquest of
Greece? You could have achieved the same result without going to that
trouble" (VII 56).
After the battle of Salamis, Mardonios convinced the King to withdraw from
Greece, leaving there a force of 300,000 infantry (VIII 100, 101). The
King withdrew from Greece with an army that must have been about
equivalent to that left with Mardonios; Herodotus (VII 100) declares that
the King withdrew with the greater part of the army because his basic
estimate of the forces was in excess. The following year the King waited
with a part of the army in Sardis while Mardonios continued the operations
in Greece. This seems to have been the plan that Artabanos had suggested
in the first place: to strike Greece with the normal Persian force while
the King remained in Asia with the rest of the army and navy. Herodotus
reports that the first statement of the King at the conference in which
the war against Greece was discussed for the first time, was that he had
decided to add to the dunamis of Persia at least as much as it had been
increased by his predecessors (VII 8); the Greek term dunamis means
"military and political power," but also quite specifically "force of
Gobineau, Histoire des Perses, Vol. II, p. 191.
"Some Observations on the Persian Wars," The Journal of Hellenic Studies, XXII (1902), pp. 294ff.
G. B. Grundy, The Great Persian War (London, 1901), p.
H. Delbrueck, Die Perserkriege und die Burgunderkriege (Berlin, 1887), p. 164.
Geschichte des Alterthums, Vol. III (Stuttgart, 1901), p. 377.
Hans Delbrueck, Geschichte der Kriegskunst Vol. I (Berlin, 1920), p. 106.
Eduard Meyer, op. cit., p. 374f.
Ernst Obst, Der Feldzug des Xerxes in Klio, Beiheft 12 (Leipzig, 1914), p. 88.
W. W. Tarn, "The Fleet of Xerxes," The Journal of Hellenic Studies 28 (1908), p. 208 n.
J. B. Bury, History of Greece third ed. (London, 1963), p. 269. Cf. Munro, op. cit. (1902), pp. 296f.; Macan, Herodotus, The Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Books, (London, 1908), Vol. II, p. 164.
R. Cohen, La Grece et l'hellenization du monde antique (Paris, 1934), p. 164. R. von Fischer, Das Zahlenproblem in Perserkriege 480-479 v. Chr." Klio, N. F., vol. VII, pp. 289ff.
Trattato di storia greca, fourth ed. (Rome, 1961), p. 212.
Griechische Geschichte, ninth ed. (Munich, 1962), p. 140.
Griechische Geschichte, vol. I (1951), p. 253.
George Rawlinson, History of Herodotus (New York, 1880), p. 26.
J. B. Bury, The Ancient Greek Historians (London, 1908).
The Size of Persian Fleet
problem of the size of the Persian army can be illuminated by considering
the size of the Persian fleet, since there must have been a proportion
between the two forces.
Herodotus reports that the fleet consisted of 1207 triremes and 3000
lesser fighting ships and supply ships (VII 89, 184). The figure of 1207
triremes is itemized by specifying the number of ships contributed by the
several subjects and allies of the Persian Empire (VIII 89-95). Nobody has
succeeded in proving that any of these partial figures is questionable;
the contributions made by the Greek subjects of Persia corresponds to what
we know to have been their naval strength in other episodes of Greek
history. Herodotus' figures are confirmed by several other sources. The
historian Darius (XI 3) states that the triremes were 1200 at the time of
the muster at Doriskos; the orator Lysias (II 27) mentions an initial
force of 1200 triremes, whereas the orator Isokrates mentions 1300
triremes at the beginning of the campaign (VII 49) and 1200 on the eve of
the battle of Salamis (IV 93); Plato (Laws, III 699 B) speaking in general
terms refers to "one thousand ships and more." In order to find a trace of
disagreement it is necessary to refer to the narrative of the historian
Ctesias, as summarized by the Byzantine writers of the ninth century,
Photios; in this text the figure of the triremes is given as 1000, but the
text contains such an accumulation of obviously wrong information that
either Ktesias or Photios must be dismissed as totally unreliable.
The most important datum is provided by Aischylos who fought at Salamis.
In the tragedy The Persians he describes the Persian fleet as consisting
of 1000 triremes plus 207 ships "of exceptional speed" (341-343). One may
ask whether the distinction was introduced for the sake of variety in
poetic diction or in order to refer to ships different from triremes; in
any case the 207 ships appear to be militarily as important as the
triremes. Herodotus asserts that the Persian triremes were faster and
lighter than the Greek ones (VII 10,60). This would indicate that the
Persians preferred triremes with light shells and had 207 that were of
this type. The 207 ships included the 7 ships of the commanders for which
speed was particularly desirable. But many scholars interpret the lines of
Aischylos as meaning that the Persian triremes were 800: the poet would
have mentioned 1000 ships and then added that 207 were "of exceptional
speed," meaning that they were some sort of lesser cruisers. But this is a
most forced interpretation of the text. The poet aimed at the dramatic
effect of a crescendo of numbers, whereas by mentioning 1000 ships and
then deducting 207 light cruisers from the figure he would have achieved
an anticlimactic effect. It is true that there is a scholion to the lines
of Aischylos that states that the 207 ships must be reckoned as part of
the 1000 triremes, but this scholion also states that 207 ships were
choice triremes. Even accepting the opinion of the grammarian who wrote
this scholion, the conclusion would be that the Persian triremes were 1000
and not 800. In my opinion what Aischylos wants to indicate is that the
Persians could afford to build triremes of special timbers that made for
lighter shells. This agrees with Herodotus' intimation that Persian
triremes in general were faster than the Greek ones. Herodotus states also
that at the time of the battle of Salamis the people of Aigina kept their
slower triremes to guard the island and sent their 30 fastest ones to meet
the Persians (VIII 46).
Grundy, writing in 1901, agreed that the number of Persian triremes must
have been around 1207. (74)
The following year Munro tried to apply to the fleet the method of
analysis developed by Gobineau for the army. He recognized that the texts
indicate that the standard strength of the Persian navy was 600 triremes;
but he observed that in the report of the muster at Doriskos there are
mentioned four admirals, two of whom are in command of 200 triremes each,
so that he concluded that the total strength was 800 triremes. (75)
Tarn accepted that 600 triremes was the normal strength of the Persian
navy, but tried to prove that this was also the strength in the campaign
of 480 BCE (76)
He remarked properly that the entire Persian fleet was not present at
Doriskos, since Herodotus mentions that 100 triremes, the triremes of the
Pontic Greeks (the inhabitants of the area of the Bosphoros and the
Dardanelles), had been kept at the Hellespont or Dardanelles in order to
guard the bridges against possible enemy raids (VII 95). From this Tarn
concluded that there must have been five admirals of whom one was at the
Dardanelles. He divided a total of 600 triremes into five squadrons of
120, but there is no evidence to the effect that the Persian navy operated
by units of 120.
In describing the muster at Doriskos, Herodotus (VII 97) reports that a
brother of the King commanded the 200 triremes provided by the Egyptians
and that another brother commanded the 200 triremes provided by the
Ionians, the Dorians of Asia Minor, and the Karians, whereas two other
admirals commanded the rest. This would indicate that there were four
squadrons of 200 triremes each. It is striking that Herodotus does not
mention the commander of the strongest contingent, the 300 triremes of the
Phoenicians. This suggests that the 300 Phoenician triremes were still
tied together to form a bridge at the Dardanelles, while the 100 triremes
contributed by the Greeks of that area were guarding them. Two admirals
with 400 triremes were at the Hellespont, while four admirals were
mustering their 800 triremes at Doriskos. It can be inferred that one of
the two bridges formed at the Hellespont was left standing for the service
of the supplies and for possible reinforcements, as long as the muster at
Doriskos had not proved that the army was fit to start operations.
Herodotus is in error when he assumes that the two bridges were left in
position all through the year (VII 17). In another part he admits that the
bridges were no longer there when Xerxes came to the Dardanelles in his
retreat, so that the army had to be ferried across (VIII 130). The
Persians could not afford to keep the Egyptian and Phoenician contingents
immobilized as bridges, and, furthermore, in the course of months the
ships would almost certaintly have been destroyed by storms.
It must be concluded that for the expedition of 480 BCE the normal
strength of the Persian fleet in time of war was doubled; the six admirals
who usually commanded 100 ships each were put in charge of 200. This would
explain the odd figure of 1207 triremes. There were seven extra triremes,
six for the admirals and one for the King. In the army, too, the entire
infantry was under the command of six corps generals, except for the
10,000 Immortals that formed a separate unit. Under the six corps generals
there were thirty division generals who normally commanded a myriad or
10,000 men each, but on this occasion commanded 20,000.
Tarn continued his forced argument by adding that 600 triremes was only
the "paper strength" of the Persian navy and that this number was never
filled, with the result that at the battle of Salamis the Persian force
was inferior to the Greek one, for which nobody questions in a significant
way the total of 380 triremes mentioned by Herodotus (VIII 48, 82).
A large number of scholars have preferred the figure of 800 triremes,
because they feel that they can justify it by the aforementioned
questionable interpretation of Aischylos. Eduard Meyer, without submitting
any argument, asserted that the figure of 1000 ships mentioned by
Aischylos included the transport ships; the Persian fighting strength
would have been between 400 and 500 warships, including warships of lesser
size than triremes. (77)
Among the more recent writers Wilcken grants that the Persian ships were
1,000 out of which 207 were fast going, (78)
Berve reduces the total figure to 700 warships, and Giannelli estimates
the total number of ships at 1,000 of which 207 were triremes. (79)
According to this last writer the Persians had fewer triremes than the
Athenians alone possessed. But the majority of scholars agree that since
the Greek fleet was outnumbered in the battle of Salamis, it must have
engaged about 600 Persian triremes.
The Persian navy suffered substantial losses before Salamis because of
storms and because of engagements. Herodotus specifies that the
destruction caused by storms was high, and nobody questions him on this
point, since the fleet had to follow the army along the coast for five
months. The fleet was so large that it was not always possible to find a
good shelter for all its units. Herodotus' declaration (VIII 66) that the
losses were made up and that he is inclined to believe that replacements
kept the fleet at full strength, is dismissed by Macan as "a fresh
extravagance." But it is reasonable to assume that the Persian navy
operated as any rational military organization in which forces are divided
between first line contingents and reserves to be used as replacements.
Marg grants that the Persian triremes were 1207 at the beginning of the
campaign, but twists the interpretation of the text of Herodotus (VIII 66)
to meen that the losses due to storms and battles were made up only as far
as crews were concerned, not for ships.
The reason for denying that the losses of the Persian fleet were made up
by replacements is that critical historians feel compelled, for reasons
that I shall explain, to reduce to a minimum the number of the Persian
triremes that reached Attika on the eve of the battle of Salamis. Munro,
who had put forward a solid argument for conluding that the Persian
triremes mustered at Doriskos were 800, twenty years later gave in to the
general tendency of scholarship. Without submitting any new arguments he
reduced the initial strength to 600 triremes, of which 250 would have been
destroyed because of storms, so that only 350 reached Attika. (80)
Some sort of inference about the original size of the Persian fleet can be
drawn from the information that 674 triremes and penteconters were tied
together as pontoons for the bridges across the sea at the Hellespont.
Many of these ships were wrecked by a storm before the crossing of the
army started. Since a storm could have made even a total wreck of 674
ships held together by cables and by a causeway, it follows that the
Persians could afford to risk such a force. Since Herodotus reports that
one bridge was built by the Phoenicians and the other by the Egyptians and
also that their contributions to the fleet were 300 and 200 triremes
respectively, it would follow that these two national groups used all
their triremes for the bridges of 360 and 314 "triremes and penteconters".
The bridges had to be formed with the biggest ships available.
The Great Persian War, p. 95.
J. A. R. Munro, "Some Observations on the Persian Wars," Journal of Hellenic Studies XXII (1902), pp. 299f.
W. W. Tarn, "The Fleet of Xerxes," Journal of Hellenic Studies 28 (1908), pp. 202ff.
Eduard Meyer, Geschichte des Alterthums, Vol. III (Stuttgart, 1901), pp. 375f.
Ulrich Wilcken, Griechische Geschichte ninth ed. (Munich, 1962), p. 140.
Giulio Giannelli, Trattato di storia greca 4th edition (Rome, 1961), p. 212.
J. A. R. Munro, "The Deliverance of Greece," in The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. IV (1926).
The Battle of Salamis
Kynosura is the promontory that closes the bay of Marathon and Keos is an
island at the very tip of Attika off Cape Sunion. In the eighteenth
century the distinguished Hellenist Pierre-Henri Larcher understood that
the Keos and Kynosura mentioned by Herodotus were the places generally
known by these names; but in 1829 William Martin Leake asserted, without
any textual evidence, that the name of Kynosura applied to a promontory of
the island of Salamis and that Keos was some island thereabout. (82)
Later Stein added the further gratuitous contention that Keos was the
common name of Kynosura. When J. W. Blakesley objected to Leake that the
text of Herodotus itself indicates that Keos and Kynosura must be the
places known by these names, (83) he was treated with ridicule. Only Grote
was considerate enough to admit that no other meaning can be given to
Herodotus' account, but subjoined that Herodotus must have been totally
mistaken. (84)
theory of Leake continued to be accepted as dogma until 1935, when Henri
Gregoire (who was a famous specialist of Byzantine culture and as such
could read Greek, but was not used to begin with the assumption that the
authors he read were fools, impostors, or madmen) having noticed how
Herodotus' text is intepreted by critical historians, expressed his
surprise and indignation in an article entitled "La Legende de Salamine,
ou comment les philologues ecrivent l'histoire." (85)
He observed that the text indicates that only a part of the Persian fleet
fought at Salamis, while the rest formed a line extending from Munichia to
the coast of the Peloponnese. In 1952, followers of Gregoire, G. Smets and
A. Dorsinfangs-Smets, reviewed carefully not only the evidence provided by
Herodotus, but also that provided by other sources, and conluded: "the
very evidence itself indicates that the entire Persian fleet was not at
Salamis and that only its western wing was engaged in the battle." (86)
When confronted with the arguments of Gregoire, some scholars decided to
ignore them and some decided to rehash some old discarded contentions. The
first choice is that of the commentary on the The Persians by E. D.
Broadhead. (87)
The other course was chosen by Legrand, who as a specialist of Herodotean
studies tried to reply to Gregoire by repeating the argument of Grote:
what Herodotus relates cannot be taken seriously because it is full of "incoherences";
"Herodotus has gathered together anecdotes that are more or less
tendentious and which he picked here and there, from the right and from
the left." (88)
But Legrand grants by implication that if Herodotus' statements about the
second section of the Persian fleet are not taken at face value the entire
narrative becomes preposterous and the entire Persian strategy becomes
erratic. His position is that it is better to classify the events of
Salamis as an "enigma" than to assume the impossible, namely that
Herodotus provided a reasonable account. That a ferry operation had been
started is indicated by the statement of Herodotus that the second
division of the Persian fleet moved "to hold the entire ferry line up to
Munichia" (VIII 76). This passage is usually disregarded, but Macan who,
though doggedly partisan in his interpretation of the evidence, did not
ignore it, observed: "It is curious that the roadstead up to Munichia
should be described as a porjmos, a term properly used of a ferry,
a strait, or narrow waterway." Of course it is not Herodotus who gives a
"curious" meaning to Greek terminology. In the tragedy Agamemnon by
Aischylos, the body of water between the peninsula of Attika and the
Peloponnese, across which a signal is sent by fires, is called porjmos
(line 306). The old commentary of J.C.F. Boehr does less violence to Greek
usage when it tries to explain the word porjmos of Herodotus by assuming
that in peacetime there used to be a ferry service between Munichia and
the island of Salamis.
In 1953, Myers replied to Gregoire by granting that there was a second
section of the Persian fleet which was stationed at Keos and Kynosura, but
tried to discount the importance of this second section; it would have
been composed of triremes that had arrived late or had remained behind
because of the need for repairs. (89)
A similar argument had been used by Munro in 1926 when he claimed that the
second section was composed of the 100 triremes of the Pontic Greeks which
according to Herodotus were absent at the time of the muster of Doriskos.
This contingent would not have caught up with the rest of the fleet in
about four months. (90)
Myers tries to explain Herodotus' statements about the position of the
second section by some sort of optical illusion that he describes in these
cryptic words: "With the Phenicians on the western wing now on converging
courses the gulf (porthmos) outside the straits [of Salamis] seemed
indeed 'filled with ships.'" (91)
In truth, the porjmos (outside the sound of Salamis where the first
section of the Persian fleet was stationed), that went from Munichia along
the island of Aigina to the Peloponnese, was filled with ships. Aristeides
(VIII 81) who arrived at Salamis on a small boat to report on the Persian
movements, related that he had great difficulty in crossing over from
Aigina because he had to slip through the blockading enemy fleet. The
enemy of which he speaks was somewhere between Aigina and Salamis. Aigina
is close to the coast of the Peloponnese and relatively distant from
Salamis and the coast of Attika. If the entire Persian fleet had been
lined up between the harbors of Athens and Salamis, the line of
communication between Aigina and the southern shore of the island of
Salamis would have been unimpeded. Aischylos (line 368) speaks clearly
when he mentions "the other (Persian) ships that were all around the
island of Aiax," that is, Salamis.
According to Aischylos (The Persians) and to Herodotus, the Persian force
that attacked at Salamis suffered disaster, but in spite of it the Greeks
were expecting a new attack by the Persian fleet (Herodotus VIII 97) and
were surprised when this fleet was withdrawn (VIII 107, 108). After they
learned that the Persian fleet had withdrawn, the Greeks considered
pursuing it and attacking the bridges at the Dardanelles. This means that
the Persian fleet had still so many ships that it could be expected again
to form the two bridges.
The fact that the Persian fleet remained all-powerful even after Salamis
indicates that only a part of this fleet was engaged in this battle; but
critical historians, by denying this, are forced to discount the Greek
accounts of a great victory and reduce the outcome of the battle of
Salamis to something close to a draw.
My interpretation of the Persian strategy at the time of the battle of
Salamis is the only one which is in agreement with the summation of the
events presented by Thukydides (I 73):
It was the battle of Salamis that prevented the Persians from attacking the Peloponnese by sea in order to destroy the cities one by one; given the number of the Persian ships, the cities could not have found a way to organize a common resistance. The best proof of it is provided by the conduct of the Persians themselves: once they suffered a naval defeat, they realized that their forces were no longer adequate to their plan and, hence, they promptly withdrew the greater part of the army.
authoritative commentary of W. W. Gomme, in following the current
interpretation of the events, totally distorts the clear meaning of the
words of Thukydides, asserting that he spoke of "the danger that if the
Greek fleet retreated from Salamis it would disperse each to its own
From Aischylos (The Persians, 366) it may be inferred that at the
battle of Salamis the Persian fleet consisted of three squadrons.
Herodotus (VIII 85) mentions the Phoenicians as forming the left wing and
the Ionian Greeks as being on the right wing. According to Herodotus, the
Ionians with the Dorians of Asia Minor and the Karians contributed a
squadron of 200 triremes to the original strength of the fleet, whereas
the Phoenicians had contributed 300 triremes. Possibly the Persian
formation at Salamis consisted of a squadron of 200 Phoenician triremes on
the left and of an Ionian-Dorian-Carian squadron of 200 triremes on the
right, with a mixed squadron of 100 Phoenician triremes at the center,
plus 100 more contributed by sundry Greek allies. It may be concluded that
the Persian force consisted of 600 triremes. Munro recognized that the
Persian fleet consisted of 3 squadrons, but irresponsibly placed the
Phoenicians at the center, the Ionians at the right, and the Egyptians at
the left. It is certain that the Egyptian squadron of 200 triremes did not
participate in the battle.
In conclusion, it is difficult to doubt that the Persian fleet as a whole
had a force of 1200 triremes. In 1956 Hammond, although he tried to refute
by some obscure argument the contention that on the eve of the battle of
Salamis part of the Persian fleet was stationed at Keos and Kynosura,
granted that it is no longer possible to ascribe a smaller figure to the
Persian fleet. But a fleet of 1200 triremes required about 240,000 men as
crews, without counting the embarked marines, so that it is reasonable to
presume that the Persian naval units, including transports, required the
service of about half a million men, as indicated by Herodotus. But if
Persia, which was not a naval power, mobilized such a naval force, the
land forces must have been much larger. Hammond tries to avoid the issue
by mentioning only a comprehensive figure: "the total of combatants and
non-combatants in the army and navy was probably in the range of 500,000
men." (92)
Thereby he continues the practice of treating quantitative data in a
flippant manner.
After the defeat at Salamis the ferry operation was no longer possible, so
that the grand plan to clean up Greece from top to bottom had to be
abandoned. Because the season of equinoctial storms, dreaded by all
ancient navigators of Greek waters, was at hand, the fleet was withdrawn
in a great hurry to the waters of Asia Minor. In the month of October the
Persian army withdrew from Attika to Thessalia. There a decision was
reached to split the army into two parts. The King withdrew to Asia Minor,
leaving his general Mardonios in Greece. The King took with him half of
the army plus a contingent under the command of Artabazos drawn from the
other half.
Since the winter was approaching the retreat had to be accomplished in
forty-five days from Thessalia to the Dardanelles. At this speed the army
could not be followed by supply trains, so that the retreat turned into a
disaster because of famine, plague, and dysentery. The development of the
plague and dysentery must be explained by the use of polluted sources of
water by the undernourished troops. The army was so large that it could
not rely on the ordinary sources of water, whereas during the advance
provisions had been made for an orderly supply of water. Aischylos
stresses the lack of food and water. According to Herodotus, many soldiers
died upon arriving at the Dardanelle, where there were abundant supplies
of food and water, because of overeating, "combined with the change of
water" (VIII 117). Perhaps from the Persian point of view the fact that
the King was able to return quickly to Asia Minor with a part of his army
was a positive achievement, since it squelched the danger of revolts
within the Empire.
Among the recent writers Richmond Lattimore takes a rather moderate
position by stating that "This terrible retreat has been exaggerated by
Aischylos and Herodotus alike, though want of supplies may have created
serious difficulties and distress." This much can be granted, but I would
not accept Lattimore's contention that whereas Aischylos may be believed
as an eyewitness to the battle of Salamis, what he said about the retreat
of Xerxes may be false. One can argue that both Herodotus and Aischylos
because of national pride ascribed to the enemy army a size that had no
relation to reality, but they would hardly have invented a version of the
events by which the Persian army fell under its own weight. The positive
result of the King's retreat with the army was that he was forced to
realize that he could not keep more than 300,000 land-fighters in Greece,
a force that the Greeks could hope to match once they were able to gather
together 100,000 of their own soldiers.
"Die Perserkriege," in Vortraege ueber alte Geschichte, Vol. I, p. 407f.
On the Demi of Attica (London, 1829), pp. 144-146.
Herodotus (London, 1854), vol. II, pp. 400-419.
George Grote, A History of Greece (London, 1862), Vol. III, pp. 470-471, n. 2.
Les Etudes Classiques, IV (1935), pp. 519-531.
G. Smets and A. Dorsingfang-Smets, "La Bataille de Salamine: Les Sources," Annuaire de l'Institut de Philologie det d'Histoire Orientale et Slave, (Brussels) 12 (1952), p. 426.
Aeschylus, Persae, ed. by E. D. Broadhead (Cambridge, 1960).
Ph. E. Legrand, "A Propos de l'enigme de Salamine," Revue des Etudes Anciennes, XXXVIII, (1936), pp. 55-60.
John L. Myres, Herodotus, Father of History (Oxford, 1953), p. 274. See also Paul W. Wallace, "Psyttaleia and the Trophies of the Battle of Salamis," American Journal of Archaeology, 73 (1969), p. 300.
J. A. R. Munro, "The Deliverance of Greece" in The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. IV (1926), p. 305. Munro accepted Keos and Kynosura as the localities known by these names today; he postulated that the second fleet was waiting at a distance and was summoned by Xerxes when the battle began.
Myres, op. cit., p. 275.
H. G. L. Hammond, A History of Greece (Oxford, 1959).
The Battle of Plataia
Mardonios had urged the King not to abandon the enterprise even after the
debacle at Salamis. According to Mardonios there was a way to invade the
Peloponnese even without a ferry and he argued with the King that he could
proceed to that invasion the following year if he had 300,000 men, that
is, half of the army that had come to Greece in 380 B.C.
Mardonios marched with the King's army up to Thessaly and there he went
into winter quarters. The following spring he was joined by 40,000 men
under Artabazos who had followed the King in his withdrawal with an
original force of 60,000. According to Herodotus the forces of Mardonios
were 300,000 infantry plus cavalry; of the infantry, 50,000 had been
provided by the Greek allies. This means that Mardonios had under his
command the normal full strength of the Persian army, even though the
cavalry did not by far come up to the table strength of 50,000 horsemen.
But Herodotus states that, at the battle of Plataia that closed the
campaign of Mardonios, the cavalry was the part of the Persian army that
proved the greatest challenge to the Greeks.
Mardonios had a table of organization requiring 300,000 infantry men and
tried to fill it up by all means. Herodotus reports that he put in line
Egyptians who had never been in an army and originally had served as
embarked marines in the fleet. Mardonios hoped to succeed by combining
political maneuvering with military action, since mere military impact had
not succeeded. His plan was to force all the Greeks north of the Isthmus,
mainly the Athenians, to desert the rest of the Greeks, with the result
that even the Greeks of the Peloponnese who were defending the Isthmus
would have collapsed. In the spring he made overtures to the Athenians,
who wavered, but finally rejected Mardonios' enticing proposals. He tried
to force them by invading Attika when the crops were about to be gathered,
but the Athenians once again abandoned their city and withdrew to Salamis.
By the end of the summer the Greeks had succeeded in producing an
unexpected show of unity: they were able to gather an army of some 110,000
men. This army was so large that it was the Greeks' turn to have some
difficulties with supply trains and with provisions of water.
The army of Mardonios, however, was still so strong that the Greeks kept
avoiding battle until almost twelve months after Salamis, near the close
of the military season, when the Persian army began to give signs of
disintegration. The disintegration must have been unavoidable once it
became clear that another year had passed without conclusive military or
political results. Just before the Greek attack Artabazos, with 40,000 men
under his command, deserted Mardonios and began to withdraw from Greece.
When the Greeks finally attacked at Plataia the battle turned into
butchery; Mardonios himself was not able to escape.
Herodotus' narrative of what happened after the battle of Salamis is clear
and reasonable, but it is most obscure for the historians of the critical
school, because they cannot account for the number of men engaged in the
battle of Plataia, which was the only major land engagement in almost two
years of campaigning and which sealed the fate of the war. According to
Herodotus the Greek army consisted of 38,700 hoplites and of light armed
men at the rate of one to each hoplite, plus 35,000 Spartan Helots. The
hoplite force consisted of 10,000 Spartans, 8,000 Athenians, 5,000
Corinthians, and other lesser contingents from smaller cities which
Herodotus enumerates in detail; the figures are perfectly consonant with
what we know about the military power of each city.
Macan did not question the number of the hoplites, but reduced the rest of
the army to one man to each hoplite. Eduard Meyer submitted a similar
estimate, about 30,000 hoplites and as many light-armoured soldiers; the
army of Mardonios would have consisted of 40,000 or 50,000 Asiatic and
some thousands of Greeks. The lowest estimate, that of Obst, is 35,000
Greek soldiers; to the Persians Obst ascribed a force of 50,000 men.
Beloch and De Sanctis settled for the figure of 50,000 Greeks, estimating
the forces under the command of Mardonios as 50,000 Persians and 20,000
Greeks. Among the more recent writers, Berve estimates the Persians at
50,000 and the Greeks at 40,000, whereas Giannelli estimates the Persians
at 100,000 and the Greeks at 70,000 of which half may have been hoplites.
There is no reason for doubting Herodotus' figure for the Greek forces,
except for the fact that this affects the estimate of the Persian forces.
As Glotz grants, one must assume that there were about three Persians to a
Greek, since Persian soldiers were no match for Greek ones. Herodotus
points out that even the very best of the Persian forces, the Persians
themselves, although not inferior in courage and determination, were
pitifully inferior to the Greeks in drill and in armor.
Herodotus' figures about the forces engaged at Plataia do not contain any
element that can be questioned on specific grounds. The list of the cities
that contributed to the Greek forces, as given by Herodotus, is confirmed
by the inscription on the serpent-column that was dedicated at Delphoi
shortly after the battle and which is still extant today. A similar list
is quoted by Pausanias (V 23) as having been seen by him inscribed on the
pedestal of a statue of Zeus erected at Olympia. As I have said, the size
of each Greek contingent as given by Herodotus corresponds to what we know
of the military capabilities of each city.
Hammond, retreating from the extreme positions of the critical school,
estimated the Greeks at 100,000 and the Persians at 300,000, but did not
explain how Mardonios could marshall an army several times larger than
that which had invaded Greece about two years earlier.
Critical historians are bound by their low estimate of the size of Xerxes'
army at the beginning of the campaign. In order to justify in some way the
size of Mardonios' army, all these scholars must follow Niebuhr in
claiming that the entire Persian army was left with Mardonios and that the
disastrous retreat of King Xerxes, described by Aischylos and Herodotus,
is sheer fabrication. For Meyer only the contingent commanded by Artabazos
escorted the King, returning later to join Mardonios. According to De
Sanctis "the bulk" of the army remained with Mardonios. Glotz agrees with
Meyer, but he tries to soften the wording, though not the substance, of
the contention that the disastrous retreat of the King's army is the
product of mythological imagination.
If these scholars were right, Aischylos' Persians should be read as a
comedy rather than as a tragedy. Perikles, who put this play on stage as a
political gesture in favor of a rapprochement between Athens and Persia,
must have been in truth putting forth his candidacy for the position of
jester at the court of Susa.
But even granting that all the Persians forces were left with Mardonios,
the accounts of the battle of Plataia indicate that the Persians had a
most substantial army. Beloch and De Sanctis try to evade the issue by a
further revision of the historical tradition: there was not much of a
battle of Plataia. For once, they accept one of the figures cited by
Herodotus: the 40,000 men who, according to Herodotus, deserted Mardonios'
army on the eve of the battle, in reality were the number of Persians who
were able to withdraw after the battle. Since the Persian army would not
have been much larger than 40,000 men, it follows that it went away
unscathed. According to Beloch the Greek losses were small, not because
the Greeks were able to cut to pieces the disorganized Persians, but
because the Persians slipped away.
All told, the history of the events of 480 and 479 B.C. should be
rewritten as follows: a rather small Persian expeditionary force was able
to invade Greece, to ravage, undisturbed, the country for two years, to
destroy several cities among which was Athens, and to withdraw with
limited losses.
The conclusion that the most important military campaign of ancient
history was a rather modest affair was used to question all ancient
information about great military actions. The current approach is well
summarized by a scholar of Carthaginian history, Pierre Hubac. In
analyzing the wars between Carthaginians and Greeks and between
Carthaginians and Romans, he declares that sources that mention
Carthaginian armies of 50,000 men can be completely disregarded, since
Europe did not see armies of this size until recent times. According to
him the figures provided by ancient historians would be valuable only as a
subject for a psychoanalytic investigation. His remarks can be abstracted
as follows:
Should we say that every number used by ancient historians must be presumed to be false? . . . We should rather be aware of the use that the ancients made of numbers. The real value of these numbers does not correspond at all to its true value; it does not correspond at all to the value and the use that we give to numbers in our age. For us, to quote a number means to exhibit precision, to give the result of a mathematical operation . . . Scientific method compels us to submit precise figures only with prudence and with respect for exactness . . . the mania for numerical data is a recent one in which neither the Orient nor Antiquity would have liked to compete with us . . . Antiquity plays with numbers as with sparkling stones, making them shine . . . The Orient and Antiquity never knew how to distinguish dream-states from wakefulness. They did not find the real attractive; the dazzlement of dreams was considered much preferable. Could we ask a storyteller to act like a scholar: to have method, to respect documents, to be obsessed with numerical precision, to be concerned with statistics? (93)
Pierre Hubac, Carthage second ed. (Paris, 1952), pp. 122f.