Dr. Mirhadi hosseini
Assistant Professor of History, Kharazmi University - IRAN
The Title of my Dissertation :
MA: Nasir al-din Tusi Political - Cultural function
PHD : analysis of Mossadegh Government Policies in dealing with external sanction (with the method of clio metric)
WEB: http://m-hosseini.ir
E_Mail : hosseini@khu.ac.ir
Research activities
Biography of Mozaffar Baghaei, Authors: Dr. Mirhadi Hosseini and Javad Abbasi Kangori, Jame Publications, Tehran 1396. (Picture on the cover).
index of articles:
Articles in the field of history and politics:
1) Ismaili sect and comparative research of sources, Journal of the Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Shahid Beheshti University (Scientific, Research), Vol. 38, Summer 2003, pp. 121-140, (full text of the article)
2) Research and study resources of Islamic history on the Internet, Quarterly Journal of Islamic History (Scientific, Research), No. 5, Spring 2001, pp. 212, 197, (full text of the article)
3) History of Shiism and the World Wide Web, Quarterly Journal of Islamic History (Scientific, Research), No. 7, Fall 2001, pp. 200, 189, (full text of the article)
4) History of Islam from the perspective of several websites, Quarterly Journal of Islamic History (Scientific, Research), No. 9, Spring 2002, pp. 206, 193. (full text of the article)
5) History of Islam from the perspective of several Islamic databases, Quarterly Journal of Islamic History (Scientific, Research), No. 12, Winter 2002, pp. 142, 119 (full text of the article)
6) History on the Internet, Part 1 (Basic Terms, Magazines and Historical Groups), Book of the Month of History and Geography, No. 43 and 42, April and May 2001 (full text of the article)
7) History on the Internet, Part 2 (Iran before Islam), Book of the Month of History and Geography, No. 48, October 2001,(full text of the article)
8) History on the Internet, Part 3, Book of the Month of History and Geography, No. 49, November 2001, pp. 89, 78. (full text of the article)
9) History on the Internet, Part 4 (Internet Encyclopedia), Book of the Month of History, No. 50, December 2001, pp. 88, 82. (full text of the article)
10) History on the Internet, Part 5 (Zarathustra and historical maps), Book of the Month of History, No. 53, March 2001, pp. 73, 65. (full text of the article)
11) History on the Internet, Part 6 (Historical Research in World Study Centers), History Book of the Month, No. 55, 54, April and May 2002, pp. 79, 72. (full text of the article)
12) History on the Internet, Part 7 (Historical Maps, Ancient History), History Book of the Month, No. 59, 58, August and September 2002, pp. 108, 102. (full text of the article)
13) History on the Internet, Part 8 (Divine Prophets, International Historical Network, Historical Associations, Historical Museums), Book of the Month of History, No. 60, October 2002, pp. 85,78. (full text of the article)
14) History on the Internet, Part 9 (UNESCO Historical Research), Book of the Month of History, No. 63, December 2002, pp. 61, 56. (full text of the article)
15) History on the Internet, Part 10 (Historical Magazines), Book of the Month of History, No. 64, February 2002, pp. 56, 51. (full text of the article)
16) History on the Internet, Part 11 (Collection of Human History by UNESCO, Ancient Iran), Book of the Month of History, No. 65, March 2002, pp. 80, 75. (full text of the article)
17) History on the Internet, Part 12 (Herodotus, Ancient History), Book of the Month of History, Nos. 67 and 66, April, 2003, pp. 110, 104. (full text of the article)
18) History on the Internet, Part 13 (Central Database of History, History Teacher, History Departments of Universities, Pharaohs and Ancient Egypt), Book of the Month of History, No. 73, November 2003, pp. 84-91. (full text of the article)
19) History on the Internet, Part 14 (University Press, Chicago, McGill, Michigan, Edinburgh, Columbia, Princeton, New York, Harvard, California, Cambridge, Oxford), History Book, No. 75,76, January and February 2003, Pp. 179 to 185.(full text of the article)
20) History of Turkey and the Ottoman Empire, Part 1 (Study of study sources of Turkish and Ottoman history), History Book, No. 79, May 2004, pp. 50-58. (full text of the article)
21) History of Turkey and the Ottoman Empire, Part 2 (Historical Maps of Turkey, Study Centers), Book of the Month of History, No. 101, 102,103, March 1984, April and May 2006, pp. 98-109. (full text of the article)
22) Historical Maps, Part 1 (History on the Internet, Part 17), Book of the Month of History, No. 85, November 2004. (full text of the article)
23) Historical Maps, Part 2 (History on the Internet, Part 18), Book of the Month of History, No. 86 and 87, December and December 2004. (full text of the article)
24) Historical Maps, Part 3 (History on the Internet, Part 19), Book of the Month of History, No. 90 and 91, April and May 2005. (full text of the article)
25) The place of military historiography on the web, History Month Book, No. 113, October 2007.(full text of the article)
26) On the line of philosophy of history, History Book of the Month, No. 109, June 2007. (full text of the article)
27) Persian Gulf, Persian Gulf Research Journal, (Supplement to the book of the month of history and geography, No. 86 and 87), May 2005. (full text of the article)
28) The place of history education in the world (Part 1), Journal of History Education Development, No. 24, Fall 2006. (full text of the article)
29) The place of history education in the world (Part 2), Journal of History Education Development, No. 25, Winter 2006. (full text of the article)
30) The importance of irrigation in the past history of Iran, Jihad Culture Quarterly, third year, second issue, 1997. (full text of the article)
31) The status of research in the history of science in Iran, Book of the Month of History and Geography, No. 125, October 2008.(full text of the article)
32) The Global Position of Oral History, Book of the Month of History and Geography, No. 118, March 2008. (full text of the article)
33) Mongolian research (books and articles) in the last three decades, Book of the Month of History and Geography, No. 83-81, July, August and September 2004. (full text of the article)
34) Mongolian Studies on the Internet, Book of the Moon and Geography, No. 83-81, July, August and September 2004. (full text of the article)
35) Teaching History on the Web, Book of the Month of History and Geography, No. 131, April 2009. (full text of the article)
36) The Value of Digital Historical Research in History Education, Book of the Month, No. 139, December 2009. (full text of the article)
37) The Shadow of the Swords: A Critique of a Historical Novel by Kamran Pasha, Book of the Month of History and Geography, No. 154, March 2011. (full text of the article)
38) The Perspective of Historical Geography (Review of the Book of Historical Geography: Perspective and Development, by Michel Passion), The Book of the Month of History and Geography, No. 163, December 2011. (full text of the article)
39) The language of Ghorians and its historical ambiguities, Book of the Month of History and Geography, No. 162, November 2011. (full text of the article)
40) A Study of the Historical, Political and Economic Geography of Iranian Oil in Dr. Mossadegh's Challenge with the World Bank, International Geography Quarterly (Scientific-Research), No. 39, Winter 2013. (full text of the article)
41) Fundamentals of Authority in Ismaili Thought, Journal of Historical Research (Scientific-Research), Volume 6, Number 2, Fall and Winter 2015. (full text of the article)
42) Historical Geography of Earthquake in Iran: Seismic Documents (From the Beginning to the Safavid Era), International Quarterly Journal of Geography (Scientific Research), No. 49, Summer 2016. (full text of the article)
43) Investigation of the mystery of Afshar Toos murder, Kharazmi History, 5th year, No. 19, Fall 2017. (full text of the article)
44) Small actors in the big game (Case study of Caucasian readers), Journal of Applied Research in Geographical Sciences (Scientific-Research), Year 17, Issue 47, Winter 2017. (full text of the article)
45- Constitutionalist satirists: Architects of the history of modern Iran, Quarterly Journal of Persian Language and Literature (Scientific-Research), Volume 26, Number 84, Spring and Summer 1397.(full text of the article)
46- A Glance at thr historiography of Pahlavi Era , Journal Of Organizational Behavior Research, vol 3, Is:2, 2018. (full text of the article)
47- Assassination of Razmara; Strengths that became weaknesses, Quarterly Journal of History of Islamic Azad University of Mahallat, (Scientific - Research), Volume 13, Number 48, Spring 1397. (full text of the article)
48- Social Security in the Second Pahlavi Period, Scientific Quarterly of Law Enforcement Studies (affiliated to NAJA), Year 7, Issue 26, Fall 1399. (full text of the article)
49) Evaluation of the People's Democratic Sect in the Second Constitutional Assembly in the Treatise on Tanghiz of the Moderate Sect, Quarterly Journal of Historical Research (Scientific-Research), Volume 11, Number 2, Fall and Winter 1399. (full text of the article)
50) The effect of the performance of anti-overselling headquarters in accelerating the process of the fall of Pahlavi and the victory of the Islamic Revolution, Matin Research Journal (Scientific-Research), Volume 22, Issue 79, Winter 1399. (full text of the article)
51) HISTORICAL LATERAL IRRIGATION FACILITIES AND WATER-RELATED TECHNOLOGIES IN SHUSHTAR ANDDEZFUL-MILL, DUNGEON, GYRE, WATERWHEEL , PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology , Vol. 18 No. 08 (2021). (full text of the article)
52) The Transition of Qajar Society from Traditional to Modern Medicine Based on the Travelogues of Western Tourists, Quarterly Journal of Quran and Medicine (Scientific-Research), No. 10, Spring 2016. (full text of the article)
53) A Study of the Structure of the Administrative and Political System in Azerbaijan during the Nasserite and Mozaffari Eras, Quarterly Journal of Post-Islamic Iranian History, University of Tabriz (Scientific-Research), Volume 12, Number 28, Fall 2021.(full text of the article)
54) Analysis of the causes and grounds of Imam Khomeini's opposition to Reza Shah's reforms, Iranian Political Sociology Quarterly (Scientific-Research), Volume 4, Issue 4, Serial Issue 16, March 2022.(full text of the article)
55) The Origin of Jihadi and Takfiri Salafi Thought in the Contemporary Period, Journal of the History of Islamic Civilization (Scientific-Research), Volume 54, Number 2, Fall and Winter 2022.(full text of the article)
Papers presented at conferences:
1) Recognizing the tricks of foreign intelligence organizations in publishing online historical documents, Proceedings of the Conference on Contemporary Documents and History, December 2002, Center for the Study of Historical Documents, pp. 111-120. (full text of the article)
2) The 1907 Convention in the Virtual World, Proceedings of the Conference on Iran and World Politics at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century (on the 100th Anniversary of the 1907 Agreement), February 2007, pp. 189-200. (full text of the article)
3) Specialized workshop on history and the Internet, organized by: Research Institute of Islamic History and the Iranian History Association, February 10, 2012. (full text of the article)
4) Harvard University Oral History Project Review, Specialized Meeting on the Status of Oral History in Historical Research, Kharazmi University, Department of History, December 19, 2012. (full text of the article)
5) Specialized workshop on the application of Clio-metric in historical research, organized by: Research Institute of Islamic History. (full text of the article)
6) Necessary conditions for the formation of interdisciplinary knowledge between history and statistics, the first international conference on the need for dialogue in the humanities: Interdisciplinary studies, Kharazmi University, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, December 2015. (full text of the article)
7) "The Treaties “On the Criticism of the E’tedaliyun (Moderate) Party” - Shawwal 1328“ . Fifth International Scientific Conference dedicated to Political,Economic and Cultural Relations of Georgia-Iran, Caucasus International University, 29 - 10 - 2020. (full text of the article)
8- Introduction to Historical Geography: Concept, Nature and Research Background, The Second Conference on Historical Geography, Organizer: Islamic History Research Institute, Time: February 24, 2017. (full text of the article)
9- Basics of interdisciplinary knowledge of history and computer, the first national conference on the position of new technologies in history education from school to university, organized by: Kharazmi University, December 18, 2017. (full text of the article)
10- A study on the nature of the first texts of resistance literature (jihadi treatises) in the contemporary history of Iran, the first national conference on applied research in the history, culture and awakening of Islam: Seyed Jamaluddin Asadabadi commemoration, Seyed Jamaluddin Asadabadi University, March 2017. (full text of the article)
11- Transformation of the agricultural system during the presidency of Amirkabir, 7th National Conference on New Research in the Field of Humanities and Social Studies, Iranian Demographic Association, 2021. (full text of the article)
Articles in the field of computer:
1) Copy of software (copyright), Conference on software production problems in the country, June 10, 1997. (full text of the article)
2) Book Review: Internet and the Profession of Historiography, by Rolando Minotti, Book of the Month of History and Geography. (full text of the article)
Articles in the field of literature:
1) The position of Persian language and literature on the Internet (Persian Language and Literature Development Council, Shahnameh), Book of the Month of Literature and Philosophy, No. 39, December 2000, pp. 71, 68. (full text of the article)
2) Persian Language and Literature on the Internet (Rumi, University of Ohio), Book of the Month of Literature and Philosophy, No. 40, February 2000, pp. 67-64. (full text of the article)
3) Persian language and literature on the Internet (Hafez, Harvard University), Book of the Month of Literature and Philosophy, No. 42 and 41, March and April 2001, pp. 111, 108.(full text of the article)
4) Persian Language and Literature on the Internet (Omar Khayyam, Avesta, Columbia University, Mythology, Cambridge University), Book of the Month of Literature and Philosophy, No. 43, May 380, pp. 78-81.(full text of the article)
5) Persian language and literature on the Internet (Persian literature in Japan, Sufism and mysticism) , Book of the month of literature and philosophy, No. 44, June 2001, pp. 85, 82. (full text of the article)
6) Persian language and literature on the Internet (World Literature, Art, University of California, including contemporary poets), Book of the Month of Literature and Philosophy, No. 45, July, 2001, pp. 85, 82. (full text of the article)
7) Literature and poetry on the Internet (the place of Persian literature, Kurdish poetry, American and African poetry, Shakespeare, Arab poets), Book of the month of literature and philosophy, No. 47 and 46, August and September 2001, pp. 111, 107. (full text of the article)
interviews :
1) Seyyed Jamaluddin Asadabadi, Interview with the International Shiite News Cooperation Database (Shafaqna), March 2013. (full text of the article)
2) Round table with the director and producer of the TV documentary "Father Taleghani", Anna News Agency, Sunday, October 18, 2017. (full text of the article)
Guidance or counseling for graduate students' dissertations:
Note: The list below only lists the dissertations and students who have defended their dissertations and dissertations and graduated. Therefore, there is no mention of students who have not yet completed the compilation and defense of their dissertation.
PhD Students Thesis Supervision:
1) Supervision of the doctoral dissertation of Mr. Mohammad Baqer Talebi, entitled: Causes of instability of governments from 1320 to 1332. , Defense session date: 2018
2) Supervision of Mr. Hadi Del Ashob's doctoral dissertation, entitled: Analysis of Massoud Rajavi's performance in turning the Mojahedin Khalq Organization , Date of Defense Session: 2019
3) Supervision of Mr. Gholam-Ali Ramavi's doctoral dissertation, entitled: The role and position of market supervision and control in intensifying the process of the fall of the Pahlavi government, Supervision of the dissertation jointly with Dr. Hossein Moftakhri, Defense session date: 2020.
4) Supervision of Mr. Mehdi Sadeghi's doctoral dissertation, entitled: Reza Shah and the clerics; Emphasizing the position of religion and scholars in the educational system, Defense session date: 2021
PhD Students Thesis advice:
1) Advising the doctoral dissertation of Mr. Payam Nikpour, entitled: History of cultural relations between Iran and France in the Pahlavi period, (under the guidance of Dr. Fouad Pourarin), Defense session date: 2018.
2) Advising the doctoral dissertation of Mr. Mahmoud Dehghan (Political Geography), entitled: The role of local Caucasian actors in the rivalry between Russia and Britain in the separation of 17 Caucasus cities from Iran, (under the guidance of Dr. Abdi and Dr. Mottaqi), Date of Defense Session: 2017.
3) Advising Mr. Jamshid Ghasemi's doctoral dissertation, entitled: The role of the Senate in the political developments of Iran (from the first to the seventh term), (under the guidance of Dr. Fouad Pourarin), date of the defense session: 2018.
4) Advising Ms. Rafat Khajehyar's doctoral dissertation, entitled: Historical study of the formation of political jurisprudential opinions of scholars in the Safavid period, (under the guidance of Dr. Mohammad Hassan Raznhan), date of the defense session: 2019.
5) Advising Ms. Leila Ghanbari's doctoral dissertation, entitled: Challenges of traditional and modern medicine in the Qajar period (under the guidance of Dr. Mohammad Hassan Razanhan), Date of the defense session: 2020.
6) Advising Mr. Ali Shokri's doctoral dissertation, entitled: Helmand Historical Issue: Challenges and Geopolitical Solutions (under the guidance of Dr. Hossein Moftakhri), Date of Defense Session: 2020.
7) Advising Gholamreza Doostzadeh doctoral dissertation , entitled: Investigating the role of the first to fifth constitutional assemblies in Iran's economic modernization , (under the guidance of Dr. Fouad Pourarin), Date of Defense Session: 2021.
8) Advising Ms. Roshanak Namazi Doostzadeh doctoral dissertation , entitled: The issue of succession during the Great Seljuk period in Iran , (under the guidance of Dr. Hossein Moftakhri), Date of Defense Session: 2021.
Master's Thesis Supervision:
1) Supervision of the master's thesis, Ms. Nasrin Ghasemifar, entitled: Review of the Iranian press from the arrival of the Allies to the end of World War II in the field of the monarchy and the actions of Reza Shah, Date of Defense Session: 2015.
2) Supervision of the master's thesis, Mr. Saeed Siddiq Monfared, entitled: Islamic Revolution and Challenges, a case study and review of the challenges of the years 57 to 60, the date of the defense session: 2016.
3) Supervision of Mr. Javad Abbasi Kangouri's master's thesis, entitled: Political life of Mozaffar Baghaei, Date of defense session: 2016.
4) Supervision of Mr. Meysam Yari Motlagh's master's thesis, entitled: The role of the Islamic Republic in the formation and continuation of the resistance movement (Hezbollah) in Lebanon, date of the defense session: 2016.
5) Supervision of Ms. Narges Kia Eshkorian's master's thesis, entitled: Review of the second Pahlavi higher education policies from 1332 to 1350, the date of the defense session: 2016.
6) Supervision of Ms. Homeira Emami Ghara's master's thesis, entitled: Study of the views of Iranian thinkers on the issue of hijab and the discovery of hijab in the Reza Shah period, the date of the defense session: 2017.
7) Supervision of Ms. Masoumeh Moradi's master's thesis, entitled: Foreign Relations between Iran and the United States in the Second Pahlavi Period (1978-1988), Date of Defense Session: 2017.
8) Supervision of the master's thesis of Mr. Jamshid Asadi Mir Ahmadi, entitled: Comparison of the thoughts of Sheikh Fazlullah Nouri with Allameh Naeini, Date of the defense session: 2017.
9) Supervision of Mr. Ahmad Ahmadi Klisani's master's thesis, entitled: Iranian Sunnis confront the Takfiri and Salafi currents after the Islamic Revolution, date of the defense session: 2016.
10) Supervision of Ms. Faezeh Sadat Hosseini's master thesis, entitled: The role of Mohammad Amin Rasoulzadeh in the Iranian constitution, date of the defense session: 2018.
11) Supervision of Mr. Ali Mohammad Yousefi Koopai's master's thesis, entitled: The role of Isfahan seminary during the Qajar period from the tobacco movement to the conquest of Tehran, the date of the defense session : 2017.
12) Supervision of Ms. Faezeh Alipour's master's thesis, entitled: A Study of the Analysis of Cultural Institutions of the First Pahlavi Era, Date of Defense Session: 2018.
13) Supervision of Ms. Leila Haghi Golbaghi's master's thesis, entitled: A Study of Merchants' Relations with Clerics in the Qajar Period, Date of Defense Session: 2018.
14) Supervision of Mr. Hossein Madahi's master's thesis, entitled: Application of political thought and performance of Ayatollah Seyyed Hossein Boroujerdi, date of defense session: 2019.
15) Supervision of Mr. Ruhollah Sadeghnia's master's thesis, entitled: A Study of the Thought and Political Action of Ayatollah Sheikh Abdul Karim Haeri Yazdi and Seyyed Hossein Boroujerdi according to the requirements of the time, the date of the defense session: 2019.
16) Supervision of Mr. Fayeq Karami's master's thesis, entitled: Political life of Jamshid Amoozgar, date of defense session: 2019.
17) Supervision of Ms. Akram Khodabakhshi Zangavi's master's thesis, entitled: Disarmament of Bakhtiari (1304-1320), Date of Defense Session: 2019.
18) Ms. Toubaollah Yari's master's thesis, entitled: The presence of the Iranian Party in the political arena from 1320 to 1332, the date of the defense session: 2019.
19) Supervision of Mr. Mohammad Porchi's master's thesis, entitled: The Impact of Educational Developments on the History of Iran from the Pahlavi to the Islamic Revolution, Date of Defense Session: 2020.
20) Supervision of Mr. Bagher Esfandiari's master's thesis, entitled: Mohammad Reza Pahlavi's personal motives in carrying out land reform, date of defense: 2020.
21) Supervision of Mr. Ahmad Karami's master's thesis, entitled: The role of Britain in the settlement in Iran (from the beginning of the Qajar period to the Constitutional Revolution), the date of the defense session: 2020.
22) Supervision of Mr. Navid Najafi's master's thesis, entitled: Archeology in the Pahlavi era, the date of the defense session: 2021.
23) Supervision of Ms. Zahra Sadat Shahrestani's master's thesis, entitled: Haj Mohammad Karim Khan Kermani's confrontation with Babieh stream, date of defense session: 2021.
24) Supervision of Ms. Rezvan Adibi's master's thesis, entitled: Historical study of the position of social security in the second Pahlavi period (from 32 to 57), the date of the defense session: 2021.
25) Supervision of Ms. Bahareh Mumtaz's master's thesis, entitled: The effect of the confrontation between the idea of tradition and modernism on the underdevelopment of Iran (from constitutionalism to the second Pahlavi era), the date of the defense session: 2021.
26) Supervision of Ms. Zeinab Khakpour's master's thesis, entitled: Iran-France relations during the reign of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the date of the defense session: 2022.
27) Supervision of Mr. Mohsen Ghaffari Azar's master's thesis, entitled: Abolhassan Bani Sadr's plans and actions during her presidency, date of defense session: 2022.
28) Supervision of Ms. Fatemeh Vakili's master's thesis, entitled: The impact of the judicial system on social relations in the first Pahlavi period, the date of the defense session: 2022.
Master's Thesis advice:
1) Advising Ms. Fatemeh Zare's master's thesis, entitled: Life Accidents and Political Struggles of Vosough Al-Dawlah, (Supervised by: Dr. Fouad Pourarin), Date of Defense Session:2014.
2) Advising Mr. Sajjad Rahmani Fallah's master's thesis, entitled: Study of the social and economic contexts of the Constitutional Revolution, (supervised by: Dr. Changizi), Date of the defense session:2014.
3) Advising Mr. Fereydoon Taghinejad's master's thesis, entitled: The role of domestic and foreign forces in establishing a new educational system in the Qajar period until the Constitutional Revolution, (under the guidance of Dr. Hossein Moftakhri), Date of the defense session: 2016.
4) Counseling of Ms. Habibeh Nevi Razliqi's master's thesis, entitled: Interaction and confrontation of fundamentalist and news scholars in the period of Fath Ali Shah Case study (Mirza Mohammad Akhbari Neyshabouri), (under the guidance of Dr. Hossein Moftakhri), Date of defense session: 2017.
5) Consultation of Ms. Delnia Ahmadi's master thesis, entitled: Democracy and Freedom in Iran from 1320 to 1325 (relying on Azerbaijan and Kurdistan), (under the guidance of Dr. Fouad Pourarin), Date of Defense Session:2018.
6) Consultation of Ms. Masoumeh Taherpour's master thesis, entitled: Political actions and programs of the first government of Hashemi Rafsanjani, (under the guidance of Dr. Fouad Pourarin), Date of defense session: 2018.
7) Consultation of Ms. Saeedeh Hayati's master thesis, entitled: How to spread the idea of Wahhabism in the southern margin of the Persian Gulf (second half of the 18th century to the 20th century), (under the guidance of Dr. Hossein Moftakhri), Date of the defense session: 2017.
8) Consulting the dissertation of Mr. Hossein Rasoulzadeh, entitled: Study of the socio-political and economic situation of Kashan in the constitutional period, (under the guidance of Dr. Fouad Pourarin), Date of the defense session: 2017.
9) Consulting the dissertation of Mr. Mohammad Shabani Haidarabadi, entitled: The struggle of local powers in Persia during the Constitutional Revolution, (under the guidance of Dr. Sohrab Yazdani), Date of the defense session:2017.
10) Consulting the dissertation of Mr. Ghasem Sanaei Hamrah, entitled: The cultural, educational and economic situation of the Jews and Armenians of Hamedan from the Constitutional Revolution to shahrivar 20 , (under the guidance of Dr. Sohrab Yazdani), Date of the defense session: 2017.
11) Counseling of Ms. Masoumeh Saeedi's master's thesis, entitled: Political performance of Alhayar Saleh with emphasis on her role in the National Front, (under the guidance of Dr. Sohrab Yazdani), Date of Defense Session: 2018.
12) Consultation of Mr. Ali Asghar Mullah Mohammadi's master thesis, entitled: Political relations of the Qajar government with Britain (under the guidance of Dr. Mohammad Hassan Raznhan), Date of the defense session: 2018.
13) Advising Mr. Sajjad Abbasi Muslim's master thesis, entitled: Analysis of the Islamic Revolution based on the school of functionalism-structure based on the theory of revolutionary evolution Chalmers Johnson (with the guidance of Dr. Fouad Poorarin), Date of the defense session: 2019.
14) Advising Mr. Habibollah Abbasi's master's thesis, entitled: The time, life and scientific, political and social record of Ayatollah Boroujerdi, (under the guidance of Dr. Mohammad Hassan Raznhan), Date of Defense: 2019.
15) Ms. Soheila Ahanpanjeh's master thesis counseling; Title: Study and reflection of the Democratic Sect of Azerbaijan through the press (under the guidance of Dr. Mohammad Hassan Raznhan), Date of the defense session: 2020.
16) Consultation of Mr. Mohammad Hanif Naseri's master's thesis, entitled: The First Afghan-British War (1838-1842) (under the guidance of Dr. Hossein Mohammadi), Date of Defense: 2021.
17) Consultation of Ms. Fariba Afrasiabi Navan's Master Thesis, entitled: A Study of the Second Pahlavi Approach to Western Culture and Civilization (Modernity), (under the guidance of Dr. Saleh Pargari), Date of Defense: 2022.
18) Ms. Nafiseh Rahmati's master thesis counseling, entitled: Life of the time of Imam Musa Sadr's political views and thoughts, (under the guidance of Dr. Fouad Pourarin), Date of the defense session: 2022.
19) Advising Ms. Kolsoom Ramezani's master's thesis, entitled: Life of the time of Shahid Beheshti's political views and thoughts, (under the guidance of Dr. Fouad Pourarin), Date of the defense session: 2022.
Judging more than 30 doctoral dissertations and master theses by the end of 2021.