The Sasanians in fact established a relatively tolerant imperial system, creating a vibrant communal life among its Zoroastrian, Jewish, and Christian citizens. This arrangement which allowed religious officials to take charge of their own communities was a model for the Ottoman millet system. Likewise, the establishment of the Nestorian Church takes place during the same period, as did the codification of the Zoroastrianism's holy scripture, the Avesta. The Gnostic Prophet Mani popularized his vision in the Sasanian period, which spread from China to the Roman world. Finally Mazdak is recognized as the first socialist reformer in the world who preached communal pattern of ownership living under Sasanian rule. Clearly, the later empires in the Near East , Asia , and the Mediterranean world were impressed with the achievements of the Sasanian era and looked to it as a source of social, economic, and artistic inspiration. Sasanian courtly manners were to be adopted by the Late Roman (Byzantine) Empire, as well as Chinese, Central Asian, and later Muslim Caliphs. The idea of proskynesis or ritual prostration, the hiding of the king behind a veil, and the elaborate crowns associated with king Khusro I in the sixth century made him and his empire synonymous with the idea of royalty. In fact his arabized name, Kisra , became associated with opulence and royalty in the Near Eastern world. It was also during the sixth century that Sasanian scholars endeavored to translate Greek, Babylonian and Hindu scientific works and literature into Middle Persian (Pahlavi), thus preserving these invaluable storehouses of knowledge. Following the Sasanian lead, the later Arab Muslims at Baghdad actively sought to save Greek literature and philosophy from oblivion, as well as Sanskrit texts such as Kalila wa Dimna and the oral traditions of the Near East embodied in the book of One Thousand and One Nights through Pahlavi literature. In terms of art, none could rival the Sasanian's designs on silk which were recognized from Japan to Egypt as the most beautiful designs. The Senmorv (Semorgh) design, which was the mythical Zoroastrian bird, and that of the ram, symbolizing Xwarrah / Farr (symbolizing Glory/Fortuna), were woven onto Chinese, as well as Egyptian silk brocades. Sasanian silver dishes were also a source of emulation by various kingdoms in Central Asia and the Caucuses, and known for their design, beauty and craftsmanship. Sasanian style of dress and interest in details also made it the choice costume, usually associated with royalty. The Sasanian artistic and religious imagery had a broad influence on the Byzantine, Buddhist and Chinese art, as well as on the succeeding Islamic art. In terms of economy, Sasanian coins which appear to be the first flat coins in the world to be circulated had i mm ense importance for trade. As an important economic medium, Sasanian silver coin ( Drahms ), were recognized and copied by the people in Central Asia and the Islamic Near East. After the Arab Muslim conquest of the Sasanian Empire, the coinage type used by the early Muslim was the Sasanian coins with the image of the Sasanian king. This was because for half a millennium, these coins had been recognized as dependable medium of exchange. The Sasanian term for "market" ( Wazar / Bazar ) is the location where the local economy was conducted and Middle Persian ( Karwan ) "Caravans" intersected these local economies. These words are all from the time of Sasanian rule which entered the lexicon of the Islamic Near East. Such games as the backgammon, chess, and polo where brought about or invented in the Sasanian period. The earliest surviving text on the games of chess and backga mm on is written in Middle Persian, when during the time of Khusro I appears to have been the place of its final redaction. Polo which is considered a kingly sport was also a Sasanian invention. Other lesser known Sasanian sport contests such as jousting ( neyzag-warih ), predated the European jousting and may have influenced the latter. |